星期三, 11月 01, 2023

2002-05-06 如何於應用軟體中建立類似系統的 Command line ?

如何於應用軟體中建立類似系統的 Command line ?

Member: SHELL
Type  : DSPF

     A          R LINE                      BLINK
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A                                      CF03(03 'exit')
     A                                      CF04(04 'prompt')
     A                                      CF08(08 'retrieve')
     A                                      CF09(09 'retrieve')
     A                                      CF12(12 'cancel')
     A                                  1 32'Sample Command Line' DSPATR(HI)
     A                                 20  2'Type command, press Enter.'
     A                                 21  2'===>'
     A            COMMAND      153A  B 21  7DSPATR(UL) CHECK(LC)
     A                                 23  2'F3=Exit F4=Prompt -
     A                                      F8=RetrieveA F9=Retrieve -
     A                                      F12=Cancel'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A          R MSGSFL                    SFL
     A                                      SFLMSGRCD(24)
     A            MSGKEY                    SFLMSGKEY
     A            PROGRAM                   SFLPGMQ(10)
     A          R MSGCTL                    SFLCTL(MSGSFL)
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A                                      SFLDSP
     A                                      SFLDSPCTL
     A                                      SFLINZ
     A                                      SFLSIZ(25)
     A                                      SFLPAG(1)
     A  99                                  SFLEND
     A            PROGRAM                   SFLPGMQ(10)

File  : QCLSRC
Type  : CLP

Dclf       File(Shell)
Dcl        &ArchiveKey *char 4
Dcl        &Big        *char 6000
Dcl        &BoundryKey *char 4
Dcl        &Length     *dec  5
Dcl        &Sender     *char 80
Dcl        &TravelKey  *char 4
Dcl        &Type       *char 10
Dcl        &Option     *char 20 -

Top:       /* set new request message boundary */
SndPgmMsg  MsgType(*Rqs) KeyVar(&BoundryKey) ToPgmq(*Same) Msg('/*    */')
RcvMsg     MsgType(*Rqs) MsgKey(&BoundryKey) Rmv(*No) Sender(&Sender)
ChgVar     &Program %sst(&Sender 56 10)
ChgVar     &IN99 '1'

Full:      /* try to get full 6000-byte command */
ChgVar     &Big &Command
If         (&Big = ' ') (ChgVar &TravelKey ' ')
If         (&IN04 = '1' *and &TravelKey *NE ' ') Do
RcvMsg     MsgType(*Rqs) MsgKey(&TravelKey) Rmv(*No) Msg(&Big)
If         (%sst(&Command 1 150) *NE %sst(&Big 1 150)) (Chgvar &Big &Command)

F8_or_F9:  /* retrieve prior requests */
     If    (&IN08 = '1' *and &TravelKey = ' ') (ChgVar &Type '*FIRST')
Else If    (&IN08 = '1')                       (ChgVar &Type '*NEXT ')
Else If    (&IN09 = '1' *and &TravelKey = ' ') (ChgVar &Type '*LAST ')
Else If    (&IN09 = '1')                       (ChgVar &Type '*PRV  ')
Else       (Goto Archive)

Call       QMHRTVRQ (&Big  X'00001770' RTVQ0100  &Type  &TravelKey  X'00000000')
If         (%bin(&Big 5 4) = 0 *and &TravelKey = ' ') (Goto Wait)
ChgVar     &TravelKey ' '
If         (%bin(&Big 5 4) = 0) (Goto F8_or_F9)    /* now try *FIRST or *LAST */

ChgVar     &TravelKey %sst(&Big 9 4)
ChgVar     &Length    %bin(&Big 33 4)
Chgvar     &Big       %sst(&Big 41 &Length)
Chgvar     &Command   &Big
If         (%sst(&Command 1 2) = '/*') (Goto F8_or_F9)     /* ignore comments */
If         (&Length > 153) (ChgVar %sst(&Command 151 3) '...')    /* ellipsis */
Goto       Wait

Archive:   /* archive command into job log */
If         (&Big = ' ') (Goto Wait)
SndPgmMsg  MsgType(*Rqs) KeyVar(&ArchiveKey) ToPgmq(*Same) Msg(&Big)
RcvMsg     MsgType(*Rqs) MsgKey(&ArchiveKey) Rmv(*No)

Execute:   /* execute command */
ChgVar     &TravelKey ' '
ChgVar     %sst(&Option 5 7) ('020' || &ArchiveKey)
If         (&IN04 = '1') (ChgVar %sst(&Option 6 1) '1')
Call       QCAPCMD (&Big  X'00001770'  &Option  X'00000014'  -
                    CPOP0100  ' '  X'00000000'  ' '  X'00000000')
MonMsg     CPF6801
MonMsg     CPF0000 Exec(Goto Wait)
ChgVar     &Command ' '

Wait:      /* prompt for next command */
Sndf       RcdFmt(MsgCtl)
SNDRcvf    RcdFmt(Line)
RmvMsg     MsgKey(&BoundryKey)
If         (&IN03 *NE '1' *and &IN12 *NE '1') (Goto Top)

Process Command (QCAPCMD) API


Process Commands (QCAPCMD) API

此 API 做到下列事項

    1. 在執行命令前,檢核命令語法
    2. 顯示命令輔助畫面及接收命令參數(按F4 Prompt)
    3. 執行指令 

Process Command (QCAPCMD) API parameter list:

1 Source command string Input Char(*)

2 Length of source command string Input Binary(4)

3 Options control block Input Char(*)

    The options control block is a QCAPCMD API parameter that lets you specify further options for how the command string is to be processed. This parameter is a character string that you must lay out according to API format CPOP0100 . Here are the possible values for each field of this format:

    Type of Command Processing:

    0 Command running: same function as QCMDEXC API

    1 Command syntax check: same function as QCMDCHK API

    2 Command line running: same as QCMDEXC with the addition of limited-user checking and prompting for missing required parameters

    3 Command line syntax check: same as 2 except the command is not executed

    4 CL program statement: the command string is checked for validity as a source code statement — the same checking that Source Entry Utility (SEU) provides for source-type CL programs

    5 CL input stream: same type of checking as 4 for source-type CL job streams

    6 Command definition statements: same type of checking as 4 for source-type command definitions

    7 Binder definition statements: same type of checking as 4 for source-type binder definitions

    8 User-defined option: checked for validity as a user-defined option for Programming Development Manager

    Double-Byte Character Set (DBCS) Data Handling:

    0 Ignore DBCS data

    1 Handle DBCS data

    Prompter Action:

    0 Do not prompt even if selective prompting characters are present in the command string.

    1 Prompt the command even if there are no selective prompting characters present.

    2 Prompt the command only if selective prompting characters are present in the command string.

    Command String Syntax:

    0 AS/400 syntax

    1 S/38 syntax

4 Options control block length Input Binary(4)

    20 minimum value for CPOP0100 format 

5 Options control block format Input Char(8)

    CPOP0100 only valid value 

6 Changed command string Output Char(*)

7 Length available for changed command string input Binary(4)

8 Length of changed command string available to return Output Binary(4)

9 Error code I/O Char(*) 


	Retrieve Request Message (QMHRTVRQ) API
retrieves request messages from the current job's call message queue
parameter list:

1 Message information Output Char(*)

    Offset Type RTVQ0100 Format
    0 Binary(4) Bytes returned
    4 Binary(4) Bytes available
    8 Char(4) Message key
    12 Char(20) Reserved
    32 Binary(4) Length of request message text returned
    36 Binary(4) Length of request message text available
    40 Char(*) Request message text

    Offset Type RTVQ0200 Format
    0 Binary(4) Bytes returned
    4 Binary(4) Bytes available
    8 Char(4) Message key
    12 Char(10) Program or service program name
    22 Char(1) Receiving call stack entry type
        0 OPM program
        1 ILE procedure name
        2 long ILE procedure name 23 Char(10) Module name
    33 Char(256) Procedure name
    289 Char(11) Reserved
    300 Binary(4) Offset to long procedure name
    304 Binary(4) Length of long procedure name
    308 Binary(4) Length of request message returned
    312 Binary(4) Length of request message text available
    316 Char(*) Request message text
    * Char(*) Long procedure name 

2 Length of message information Input Binary(4)

3 Format name Input Char(8)

    RTVQ0100 Basic request message information
    RTVQ0200 All request message information

4 Message type Input Char(10)

    *FIRST Retrieve the first request message in the current job *LAST Retrieve the last request message in the current job *NEXT Retrieve the request message after the message indicated by message key parameter *PRV Retrieve the request message before the message indicated by message key parameter 

5 Message key Input Char(4)

6 Error code I/O Char(*) 
