星期四, 11月 09, 2023

2013-05-15 使用 API QGYOLMSG Open List of Messages 列出 Message queue 的訊息 -- Command CVTMSGQ

使用 API QGYOLMSG Open List of Messages 列出 Message queue 的訊息 -- Command CVTMSGQ

CVTMSGQ -- Convert message queue messages to DB file CVTMSGQP



Type  : PF


     A* Out file used by CVTMSGQ command - CVTMSGQP file
     A          R MSGR
     A*           SYSNAME        8          COLHDG('System' 'name')
     A            MSGCVTD        6          COLHDG('Message' +
     A                                      'convert' 'date')
     A            MSGCVTT        6          COLHDG('Message' +
     A                                      'convert' 'time')
     A            MSGID          7          COLHDG('Message' 'Id')
     A            MSGTYPE        2          COLHDG('Message' 'Type')
     A            MSGRPYSTS      1          COLHDG('Message' +
     A                                      'reply' 'status')
     A            CRTBRKMSG      1          COLHDG('CrtBrkMsg')
     A            QUALJOB       26          COLHDG('QUALJOB')
     A            MSGDATE        7          COLHDG('Msg date' +
     A                                      'CYYMMDD')
     A            MSGTIME        6          COLHDG('MSg time' +
     A                                      'HHMMSS')
     A            MSGKEY         4          COLHDG('Message' 'key')
     A            MSGFILE       10          COLHDG('Message' 'file')
     A            MSGFILELIB    10          COLHDG('Message' 'file' +
     A                                      'lib')
     A            MSGTEXT     2048O         COLHDG('Message' 'text')
     A            MSGQ          10          COLHDG('Message' 'queue' +
     A                                      'name')
     A            MSGQLIB       10          COLHDG('Message' 'queue' +
     A                                      'library')
     A            SNDPGMNAME    10          COLHDG('Sending' 'program' +
     A                                      'name')
     A            SNDUSRPRF     10          COLHDG('Sending' 'user   ' +
     A                                      'profile')



Type  : RPGLE


     H Debug(*Yes) Option(*SrcStmt: *NoDebugIO) Optimize(*Basic)
     H DftActGrp(*NO)

     FCVTMSGQP  UF A E           K Disk

     D main            pr                  ExtPgm('CVTMSGQ')
     D  msgqQual                     20a   Const
     D main            pi
     D  msgqQual                     20a   Const

     D openMsgQ        pr              n
     D  msgqQual                     20a   Const
     D  Criteria                     10a   Options(*nopass)
     D                                     Const
     D readMsgQ        pr              n
     D  MsgText                    2048a
     D  MsgID                         7a
     D  MsgType                       2a
     D  MsgRpySts                     1a
     D  CrtBrkMsgSts                  1a
     D  QualifiedJob                 26a
     D  MsgDate                       7a
     D  MsgTime                       6a
     D  MsgKey                        4a
     D  MsgFile                      10a
     D  MsgFileLib                   10a
     D  MsgQ                         10a
     D  MsgQLib                      10a
     D  SndPgmName                   10a
     D  SndUsrPrf                    10a
     D closeMsgQ       pr

      //  error handling
     DQUSEC            DS
     D QUSBPRV                       10i 0          Inz(%Size(QUSEC))
     D QUSBAVL                       10i 0
     D QUSEI                          7
     D QUSERVED                       1
     D QUMSGDTA                     128

      //  global data structures
     D ListInfoDs      ds                  Qualified
     D                                     Inz
     D   TotalRecs                   10i 0
     D   RecsRtrnd                   10i 0
     D   Handle                       4a
     D   RecLength                   10i 0
     D   InfoComplt                   1a
     D   DateTime                    13a
     D   ListStatus                   1a
     D                                1a
     D   InfoLength                  10i 0
     D   FirstRec                    10i 0
     D                               40a

      //  global stand-alone
     D Record#         s             10i 0

      //  global constants
     D NUMBEROFFIELDS  c                   Const(7)

     D  MsgText        S           2048a
     D  MsgID          S              7a
     D  MsgType        S              2a
     D  MsgRpySts      S              1a
     D  CrtBrkMsgSts   S              1a
     D  QualJob        S             26a
     D  MsgDate        S              7a
     D  MsgTime        S              6a
     D  MsgKey         S              4a
     D  MsgFile        S             10a
     D  MsgFileLib     S             10a
     D  MsgQ           S             10a
     D  MsgQLib        S             10a
     D  SndPgmName     S             10a
     D  SndUsrPrf      S             10a

     D  eof            S               n
     D  tempDatetime   S             13

     D CVTMSGQ         DS            50    Dtaara('QTEMP/CVTMSGQ')
     D  LstDateTime                  13

     C                   eval      *InLr = *On

     C                   CallP     openMsgQ(msgqQual)

     C                   TIME                    FULTIM           12 0
     C                   MOVEL     FULTIM        MSGCVTT
     C                   MOVE      FULTIM        MSGCVTD

     C                   Dow       not eof
     C                   eval      eof = readMsgQ(
     C                                            MsgText      :
     C                                            MsgID        :
     C                                            MsgType      :
     C                                            MsgRpySts    :
     C                                            CrtBrkMsgSts :
     C                                            QualJob      :
     C                                            MsgDate      :
     C                                            MsgTime      :
     C                                            MsgKey       :
     C                                            MsgFile      :
     C                                            MsgFileLib   :
     C                                            MsgQ         :
     C                                            MsgQLib      :
     C                                            SndPgmName   :
     C                                            SndUsrPrf)
     C                   If        not eof
     C     *Lock         In        CvtMsgQ
     C                   eval      tempDateTime = MsgDate + MsgTime
     C                   If        tempDateTime >= LstDateTime
     C                   eval      LstDateTime = tempDateTime
     C                   write(e)  msgR
     C                   Out       CVTMSGQ
     C                   endIf
     C                   endIf

      * Inquiry msgtype 05 and The message is waiting for a reply
     C                   If        CrtBrkMsgSts = '1' or
     C                             ( MsgType   = '05' and
     C                               MsgRpySts = 'W')
     C*    MsgRpySts     dsply
     C*    MsgId         dsply
     C*                  dump
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndDo

     C                   CallP     closeMsgQ()

     P* Procedure name: openMsgQ
     P* Purpose:        Open list of MSGQ messages
     P* Returns:        Error condition
     P* Parameter:      MsgQ => Message queue name
     P* Parameter:      Criteria => Selection criteria (optional)
     P openMsgQ        b                   Export
     D openMsgQ        pi              n
     D  MsgQQual                     20a   Const
     D  Criteria                     10a   Options(*nopass)
     D                                     Const

     D* Local fields
      //  external prototypes
     D* Procedure name: qGyOlMsg
     D* Purpose:        Open List of Messages (QGYOLMSG) API
     D* Parameter:      Rcvr => Receiver variable
     D* Parameter:      RcvrLength => Length of receiver variable
     D* Parameter:      ListInfo => List info
     D* Parameter:      Recs2Rtrn => Number of records to return
     D* Parameter:      Sort => Sort information
     D* Parameter:      Select => Msg selection info
     D* Parameter:      LenSelect => Size of msg selection info
     D* Parameter:      QueueInfo => User or queue information
     D* Parameter:      MsgQueue => Message queues used
     D* Parameter:      Error => Error code
     D qGyOlMsg        pr                  ExtPgm('QGY/QGYOLMSG')
     D  Rcvr                          1a
     D  RcvrLength                   10i 0 Const
     D  ListInfo                           LikeDs(ListInfoDs)
     D  Recs2Rtrn                    10i 0 Const
     D  Sort                          1a   Const
     D  Select                             LikeDs(SelectDs)
     D  LenSelect                    10i 0 Const
     D  QueueInfo                    21a   Const
     D  MsgQueue                     44a
     D  Error                       256a   Options(*varsize)

      //  data structures
     D QueueInfoDs     ds                  Qualified
     D  UserOrQueue                   1a   Inz('0')
     D  QueueName                    10a
     D  QueueLib                     10a
     D SelectDs        ds                  Qualified
     D* Direction                    10a   Inz('*PRV')
     D  Direction                    10a   Inz('*NEXT')
     D                                2a
     D  Severity                     10i 0 Inz(0)
     D  MaxMsgLen                    10i 0 Inz(-1)
     D  MaxHelpLen                   10i 0 Inz(-1)
     D  OSSelect                     10i 0 Inz(44)
     D  NbrSelect                    10i 0 Inz(1)
     D  OSMsgKeys                    10i 0 Inz(54)
     D  OSFieldIDs                   10i 0 Inz(58)
     D  NbrFields                    10i 0 Inz(NUMBEROFFIELDS)
     D  Criteria                     10a   Dim(1) Inz('*ALL')
     D* MsgKey                        4a   Dim(1) Inz(x'FFFFFFFF')
     D  MsgKey                        4a   Dim(1) Inz(x'00000000')
     D  FldID                        10i 0 Dim(NUMBEROFFIELDS)

      // stand-alone
     D MsgQueueUsed    s             44a
     D Rcvr            s              1a
     D retField        s               n

          Clear Record#;
          Reset QUSEC;

          //  set queue name
          QueueInfoDs.QueueName = %SubSt(MsgqQual:1:10);
          QueueInfoDs.QueueLib  = %SubSt(MsgqQual:11:10);

          //  select messages to return
          If %parms() = 2;
            SelectDs.Criteria(1) = Criteria;

          //  select fields to return
          SelectDs.FldID(1) = 1001;      //  Reply status
          SelectDs.FldID(2) = 0201;      //  Replacement data or immediate message text
          SelectDs.FldID(3) = 0601;      //  Qualified sender job name
          SelectDs.FldID(4) = 0302;      //  Message with replacement data
          SelectDs.FldID(5) = 1002;      //  Critical break message status
          SelectDs.FldID(6) = 0603;      //  Sending program name
          SelectDs.FldID(7) = 0607;      //  Sending user profile

          //  list messages
          qGyOlMsg(Rcvr: %size(Rcvr): ListInfoDs: -1: '0': SelectDs:
                   %size(SelectDs): QueueInfoDs: MsgQueueUsed: QUSEC);

          //  check for errors
          If QUSEI <> *blank;
            retField = *on;
          retField = *on;

        //  close list on error
        If retField = *on;

        Return retField;
     P openMsgQ        e


     P* Procedure name: readMsgQ
     P* Purpose:        Read next message from list
     P* Returns:        End-of-file
     P* Parameter:      Msg => Message (output)
     P* Parameter:      MsgID => Message ID (output)
     P* Parameter:      MsgType => Message type (output)
     P* Parameter:      QualifiedJob => Job name/user/number (output)
     P* Parameter:      MsgDate => Date sent (output)
     P* Parameter:      MsgTime => Time sent (output)
     P readMsgQ        b                   Export
     D readMsgQ        pi              n
     D  Msg                        2048a
     D  MsgID                         7a
     D  MsgType                       2a
     D  MsgRpySts                     1a
     D  CrtBrkMsgSts                  1a
     D  QualifiedJob                 26a
     D  MsgDate                       7a
     D  MsgTime                       6a
     D  MsgKey                        4a
     D  MsgFile                      10a
     D  MsgFileLib                   10a
     D  MsgQ                         10a
     D  MsgQLib                      10a
     D  SndPgmName                   10a
     D  SndUsrPrf                    10a

     D* Local fields
      //  external prototypes
     D* Procedure name: qGyGtLe
     D* Purpose:        Get List Entries (QGYGTLE) API
     D* Returns:        null
     D* Parameter:      Rcvr => Receiver variable
     D* Parameter:      RcvrLen => Length of receiver variable
     D* Parameter:      Handle => Request handle
     D* Parameter:      ListInfo => List info
     D* Parameter:      Recs2Rtrn => Number of records to return
     D* Parameter:      Rec#2Rtrn => Starting record
     D* Parameter:      Error => Error code
     D qGyGtLe         pr                  ExtPgm('QGY/QGYGTLE')
     D  Rcvr                               LikeDs(RcvrDs)
     D  RcvrLen                      10i 0 Const
     D  Handle                        4a
     D  ListInfo                           LikeDs(ListInfoDs)
     D  Recs2Rtrn                    10i 0 Const
     D  Rec#2Rtrn                    10i 0
     D  Error                       256a   Options(*varsize)
     D* Procedure name: qMhRtvM
     D* Purpose:        Retrieve Message (QMHRTVM) API
     D* Returns:        null
     D* Parameter:      MsgInfo => Message information
     D* Parameter:      LenMsgInfo => Length of message information
     D* Parameter:      Format => Format name
     D* Parameter:      MsgId => Message identifier
     D* Parameter:      MsgFile => Qualified message file name
     D* Parameter:      ReplaceData => Replacement data
     D* Parameter:      LenReplaceData => Length of replacement data
     D* Parameter:      SubValues => Replace substitution values
     D* Parameter:      FmtCtlChar => Return format control characters
     D* Parameter:      Error => Error code
     D qMhRtvM         pr                  ExtPgm('QMHRTVM')
     D  MsgInfo                            Like(MsgData)
     D  LenMsgInfo                   10i 0 Const
     D  Format                        8a   Const
     D  MsgId                         7a   Const
     D  MsgFile                      20a   Const
     D  ReplaceData                        Like(ReplacementData)
     D                                     Const
     D  LenReplaceData...
     D                               10i 0 Const
     D  SubValues                    10a   Const
     D  FmtCtlChar                   10a   Const
     D  Error                       256a   Options(*varsize)

      //  data structures
     D ListDataDs      ds                  Based(pListDataDs)
     D                                     Qualified
     D   OSNextFld                   10i 0
     D   LenFldInfo                  10i 0
     D   FieldID                     10i 0
     D   TypeOfData                   1a
     D   StsOfData                    1a
     D                               14a
     D   LenOfData                   10i 0
     D   Data                     32000a
     D MsgData         ds                  Qualified
     D  BytesReturn                  10i 0
     D  BytesAvail                   10i 0
     D  LenMsgReturn                 10i 0
     D  LenMsgAvail                  10i 0
     D  LenMsgHelpRtn                10i 0
     D  LenMsgHelpAvl                10i 0
     D  Msg                        2048a
     D RcvrDs          ds                  Qualified
     D                                     Inz
     D   OSNextMsg                   10i 0
     D   OSFields                    10i 0
     D   NbrFlds                     10i 0
     D   MsgSev                      10i 0
     D   MsgID                        7a
     D   MsgType                      2a
     D   MsgKey                       4a
     D   MsgFile                     10a
     D   MsgFileLib                  10a
     D   MsgQ                        10a
     D   MsgQLib                     10a
     D   DateSent                     7a
     D   TimeSent                     6a
     D   EntryArr              1  32767a   Dim(32767)
     D SelectDs        ds                  Qualified
     D  Direction                    10a   Inz('*PRV')
     D                                2a
     D  Severity                     10i 0 Inz(0)
     D  MaxMsgLen                    10i 0 Inz(-1)
     D  MaxHelpLen                   10i 0 Inz(-1)
     D  OSSelect                     10i 0 Inz(44)
     D  NbrSelect                    10i 0 Inz(1)
     D  OSMsgKeys                    10i 0 Inz(54)
     D  OSFieldIDs                   10i 0 Inz(58)
     D  NbrFields                    10i 0 Inz(NUMBEROFFIELDS)
     D  Criteria                     10a   Dim(1) Inz('*ALL')
     D  MsgKey                        4a   Dim(1) Inz(x'FFFFFFFF')
     D  FldID                        10i 0 Dim(NUMBEROFFIELDS)

      //  stand-alone
     D ReplacementData...
     D                 s            256a
     D retField        s               n
     D DataLocation    s              5u 0
     D i               s              5u 0
     D x               s              3u 0

          Record# += 1;
          Reset QUSEC;

          //  retrieve entry from list
          qGyGtLe(RcvrDs: %size(RcvrDs): ListInfoDs.Handle: ListInfoDs: 1:
                  Record#: QUSEC);

          //  check for errors
          If QUSEI = *blank;
              MsgKey     = RcvrDs.MsgKey;
              MsgFile    = RcvrDs.MsgFile;
              MsgFileLib = RcvrDs.MsgFileLib;
              MsgQ       = RcvrDs.MsgQ;
              MsgQLib    = RcvrDs.MsgQLib;

              //  parse out msg from list entry
              DataLocation = RcvrDs.OSFields + 1;
              For x = 0 to (RcvrDs.NbrFlds - 1);
                pListDataDs =
                       %addr( RcvrDs.EntryArr(DataLocation) );
                DataLocation += ListDataDs.LenFldInfo;
                  When ListDataDs.FieldID = 1001;
                    //  control field => initialize
                  //Clear i;
                    MsgRpySts    = %subst(ListDataDs.Data: 1:
                  When ListDataDs.FieldID = 1002;
                    //  Critical break message status
                    CrtBrkMsgSts    = %subst(ListDataDs.Data: 1:
                  When ListDataDs.FieldID = 201;
                    //  store replacement data
                    ReplacementData = %subst(ListDataDs.Data: 1:
                  When ListDataDs.FieldID = 601;
                    //  store job info
                    QualifiedJob = %subst(ListDataDs.Data: 1:
                  When ListDataDs.FieldID = 302;
                    //  combine message w/ replacement data
                    qMhRtvM(MsgData: %len(MsgData): 'RTVM0100': RcvrDs.MsgId:
                            RcvrDs.MsgFile + RcvrDs.MsgFileLib:
                            ReplacementData: %len(ReplacementData): '*YES':
                            '*NO': QUSEC);
                    If MsgData.Msg <> *blank;
                      //  store in Msg
                      Msg = MsgData.Msg;
                      //  if result is blank, use msg from list
                      Msg = %subst(ListDataDs.Data: 1: ListDataDs.LenOfData);
                    MsgID = RcvrDs.MsgID;
                    MsgType = RcvrDs.MsgType;

                    MsgDate = RcvrDs.DateSent;
                    MsgTime = RcvrDs.TimeSent;

                  When ListDataDs.FieldID = 603;
                   SndPgmName= %subst(ListDataDs.Data: 1: ListDataDs.LenOfData);
                  When ListDataDs.FieldID = 607;
                   SndUsrPrf = %subst(ListDataDs.Data: 1: ListDataDs.LenOfData);
            retField = *on;
          retField = *on;

        //  close list on error
        If retField = *on;

        Return retField;
     P readMsgQ        e


     D* Procedure name: closeMsgQ
     D* Purpose:        Close list of MSGQ messages
     D* Returns:        null
     P closeMsgQ       b                   Export
     D closeMsgQ       pi

     D* Local fields
      //  external prototypes
     D* Procedure name: qGyClst
     D* Purpose:        Close List (QGYCLST) API
     D* Returns:        null
     D* Parameter:      Handle => Request handle
     D* Parameter:      Error => Error code
     D qGyClst         pr                  ExtPgm('QGY/QGYCLST')
     D  Handle                        4a
     D  Error                       256a   Options(*varsize)

        qGyClst(ListInfoDs.Handle : QUSEC);
     P closeMsgQ       e

File  : QCLSRC


Type  : CLP


/*  ===============================================================  */
/*  = Command CvtMsgQ CPP                                         =  */
/*  = Description : Convert MsgQ Msgs to data base file           =  */
/*  ===============================================================  */
/*  = Date  : 2013/05/15                                          =  */
/*  = Author: Vengoal Chang                                       =  */
/*  ===============================================================  */
     Pgm        Parm(&FullMsgQ )

     Dcl        &FullMsgq   *Char     20
     Dcl        &Msgq       *Char     10
     Dcl        &MsgqLib    *Char     10

     MonMsg     CPF0000      *N        GoTo Error

     ChgVar     &MsgQ    %SST(&FullMsgq  1 10)
     ChgVar     &MsgQLib %SST(&FullMsgq 11 10)
     ChkObj     &MsgQLib/&MsgQ OBJTYPE(*MSGQ)



     MonMsg     CPF9801 *N Do
             CrtDtaAra  DtaAra(QTEMP/CVTMSGQ) Type(*CHAR) Len(50)

     Call       CVTMSGQ  (&FullMsgQ)


/*-- Error handling:  -----------------------------------------------*/
     Call      QMHMOVPM    ( '    '                                  +
                             '*DIAG'                                 +
                             x'00000001'                             +
                             '*PGMBDY'                               +
                             x'00000001'                             +
                             x'0000000800000000'                     +

     Call      QMHRSNEM    ( '    '                                  +
                             x'0000000800000000'                     +




Type  : CMD


/*                                                               */
/* COMMAND NAME: CVTMSGQ                                         */
/*                                                               */
/* AUTHOR      : Vengoal Chang                                   */
/*                                                               */
/* DATE WRITTEN: 2013/05/14                                      */
/*                                                               */
/* DESCRIPTION : Convert MSGQ messages to database               */
/*                                                               */
/* CVTMSGQC   *PGM    CLP      CVTMSGQ CPP                       */
/* CVTMSGQ    *PGM    RPGLE    Convert MSGQ messages to DB       */
/* CVTMSGQP   *FILE   PF       CVTMSGQ Outfile                   */
/*                                                               */
/*     CRTCMD CMD( CVTMSGQ )                                     */
/*            PGM( CVTMSGQC )                                    */
/*            SRCMBR( CVTMSGQ )                                  */
/*                                                               */
             CMD        PROMPT('Convert Message Queue to DB')
             PARM       KWD(MSGQ) TYPE(QUAL1) SNGVAL((*NONE)) MIN(1) +
                          PROMPT('Message queue')
 QUAL1:      QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) MIN(1) EXPR(*YES)
             QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) DFT(*LIBL) +
                          SPCVAL((*LIBL)) EXPR(*YES) +
                          PROMPT('Library name')


Open List of Messages (QGYOLMSG) API 
