星期三, 11月 08, 2023

2008-09-09 如何從 Message Queue 中自動回覆訊息? (Command: AUTORPY with Message Handling APIs)

如何從 Message Queue 中自動回覆訊息? (Command: AUTORPY with Message Handling APIs)

可以使用 WRKRPYLE, ADDRPYLE, RMVRPYLE 新增,移除系統自動回覆訊息 Id。

當所執行的工作環境參數值為 INQMSGRPY(*SYSRPYL)時,一有需要回覆的訊息產生時,
系統會先去自動回覆訊息表列(reply list entry),尋找所要回覆訊息 ID 是否存在,

工作環境參數值為 INQMSGRPY(*RQD)時,需要手動回覆。

若要針對需要手動回覆的訊息,作自動回覆時,可以 AUTORPY 來回覆。

                             Auto Reply (AUTORPY)                              
Type choices, press Enter.                                                     
Message queue  . . . . . . . . . >               Name                          
  Library  . . . . . . . . . . .     *LIBL       Name, *LIBL, *CURLIB          
Reply message id . . . . . . . . >               Character value               
Reply  . . . . . . . . . . . . . >                                             
Reply to job . . . . . . . . . .                 Name                          

Member : AUTORPY
Type   : RPGLE

     **  Program . . : AUTORPY
     **  Description : Auto Reply Message - CPP
     **  Author  . . : Vengoal Chang
     **  Date  . . . : 2008/09/09
     **  Program summary
     **  ---------------
     **  Message handling API:
     **    QMHLSTM       List Nonprogram Messages
     **    QMHSNDRM      Send Reply Message
     **    QMHRTVM       Retrieve message
     **    QMHSNDPM      Send program message
     **  Compile options:
     **    CrtBndRpg Pgm( AUTORPY )
     **              TgtRls( V5R1M0 )
     **-- Header specifications:  --------------------------------------------**
     H Debug  Option(*Srcstmt:*NoDebugIO) DftActGrp(*NO) ActGrp(*Caller)

     **-- Retrieve message:  ------------------------------------------
     D GetMsg          Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QMHRTVM' )
     D  RtRcvVar                  32767a          Options( *VarSize )
     D  RtRcvVarLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  RtFmtNam                     10a   Const
     D  RtMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  RtMsgFq                      20a   Const
     D  RtMsgDta                    512a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  RtMsgDtaLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  RtRplSubVal                  10a   Const
     D  RtRtnFmtChr                  10a   Const
     D  RtError                   32767a          Options( *VarSize )

     D GetSize         ds
     D  GetBytRtn                    10i 0
     D  GetBytAvl                    10i 0
     D Fmt0400         ds                  based(FmtPtr)
     D  BytRtn                       10i 0
     D  BytAvl                       10i 0
     D  OffDftRpy             53     56i 0
     D  LenDftRpyR            57     60i 0
     D  RpyType              105    114
     D  MaxRpyLen            117    120i 0
     D  OffVldRpy            125    128i 0
     D  NbrVldRpyR           129    132i 0
     D  LenVldRpyR           133    136i 0
     D  LenVldRpyA           137    140i 0
     D  LenVldRpyE           141    144i 0

     D Upper           C                   'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
     D Lower           C                   'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'

     D DftRpy          S             32
     D DftRpyE         S             32    based(DftRpyPtr)
     D VldRpyE         S             32    based(VldRpyPtr)
     D VldRpyAryStr    S            320
     D VldRpyAry       S             32    Dim(10)
     D VldRpyAryIdx    S              3i 0

     D ErrorNull       Ds
     D    BytesProv                  10i 0 inz(0)
     D    BytesAvaile                10i 0 inz(0)

     **-- Send escape message:
     D SndEscMsg       Pr            10i 0
     D  PxMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  PxMsgF                       10a   Const
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     **-- Send completion message:
     D SndCmpMsg       Pr            10i 0
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying

     **-- Send program message:
     D SndPgmMsg       Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QMHSNDPM' )
     D  MsgId                         7a   Const
     D  MsgFq                        20a   Const
     D  MsgDta                      128a   Const
     D  MsgDtaLen                    10i 0 Const
     D  MsgTyp                       10a   Const
     D  CalStkE                      10a   Const  Options( *VarSize )
     D  CalStkCtr                    10i 0 Const
     D  MsgKey                        4a
     D  Error                      1024a          Options( *VarSize )

      * Prototypes
     D CrtUsrSpc       PR                  ExtPgm( 'QUSCRTUS' )
     D  QlSpcName                    20    Const
     D  ExtAttr                      10    Const
     D  SizeInBytes                  10I 0 Const
     D  InitVal                       1    Const
     D  PublicAut                    10    Const
     D  TextDesc                     50    Const
     D  Replace                      10    Const
     D   ReplaceYes    C                   '*YES'
     D   ReplaceNo     C                   '*NO'
     D  ApiErrInfo                         Like( ApiErr )

     D ChgUsrSpcAttr   PR                  ExtPgm( 'QUSCUSAT' )
     D  RetdLibName                  10
     D  QlUsrSpcName                 20    Const
     D  AttrToChg                          Like( EnableAutoExtendDs )
     D                                     Const
     D  ApiErrInf                          Like( ApiErr )

     D DltUsrSpc       PR                  ExtPgm( 'QUSDLTUS' )
     D  QlUsrSpcName                 20    Const
     D  ApiErrInfo                         Like( ApiErr )

     D AddrOfUsrSpc    PR                  ExtPgm( 'QUSPTRUS' )
     D  QlUsrSpcName                 20    Const
     D  PtrToUsrSpc                    *
     D  ApiErrInfo                         Like( ApiErr )

     D As400ObjFound   PR              N
     D  QlObjName                    20    Value
     D  ObjType                      10    Value

     D SndRpyMsg       PR                  ExtPgm( 'QMHSNDRM' )
     D  SndMsgKey                     4    Const
     D  SndQualMsgq                  20    Const
     D  SndRpyMsgTxt                100    Const
     D  SndRpyMsgLen                 10I 0 Const
     D  SndRmvMsg                    10    Const
     D  ApiErrInf                          Like( ApiErr )

     D LstMsgsFrmQ     PR                  ExtPgm( 'QMHLSTM' )
     D  QlUsrSpcName                 20    Const
     D  FmtName                       8    Const
     D   LSTM0100      C                   'LSTM0100'
     D  MsgSltInf                          Like( MsgSltInfo )
     D                                     Const
     D  SizeOfMsgSltInf...
     D                               10I 0 Const
     D  FmtOfMsgSltInf...
     D                                8    Const
     D   MSLT0100      C                   'MSLT0100'
     D  ApiErrInf                          Like( ApiErr )

      * Other program data
     D RetdLibName     S             10

     D EnableAutoExtendDs...
     D                 DS
     D  NumFlds                      10I 0 Inz( 1 )
     D  KeyForAutoExtend...
     D                               10I 0 Inz( 3 )
     D  LengthOfData                 10I 0 Inz( 1 )
     D  AutoExtendVal                 1    Inz( '1' )

     D ApiErr          DS
     D  AeBytesProv                  10I 0 Inz( %Size( ApiErr ) )
     D  AeBytesAvl                   10I 0
     D  AeMsgId                       7
     D                                1
     D  AeMsgDta                    256

     D MsgSltInfo      DS
     D  MsiMaxMsgsReq                10I 0 Inz( -1 )
     D  MsiListDirection...
     D                               10    Inz( '*NEXT' )
     D  MsiSelectionCriterion...
     D                               10    Inz( '*MNR' )
     D  MsiSevCriterion...
     D                               10I 0 Inz( *Zero )
     D  MsiMaxMsgLen                 10I 0 Inz( 112 )
     D  MsiMaxHlpLen                 10I 0 Inz( 4 )
     D  MsiOffstToQlMsgqName...
     D                               10I 0
     D  MsiOffstToStrMsgKey...
     D                               10I 0
     D  MsiNumMsgQs                  10I 0 Inz( 1 )
     D  MsiOffstToFldRetdId...
     D                               10I 0
     D  MsiNumFldsToReturn...
     D                               10I 0 Inz( 3 )
     D  MsiQlMsgqName                20
     D  MsiStrMsgKey                  4    Inz( X'00000000' )
     D  MsiFldRetdId                 10I 0 Inz( 302 )
     D  MsiFldRetdId1                10I 0 Inz( 601 )
     D  MsiFldRetdId2                10I 0 Inz(1001 )

     D UsrSpcHdr       DS                  Based( SpcPtr )
     D  OffstTo1stSpcEntry...
     D                       125    128I 0
     D  NumberOfMsgs         133    136I 0

     D UsrSpcEntry     DS                  Based( UsePtr )
     D  UseOffstToNxtEntry...
     D                         1      4I 0
     D  UseOffstToFldsReturned...
     D                         5      8I 0
     D  UseMsgId              17     23
     D  UseMsgType            24     25
     D  UseMsgKey             26     29
     D  UseMsgF               30     39
     D  UseMsgFLib            40     49
     D  UseMsgQ               50     59
     D  UseMsgQLib            60     69

     D RetdFldsDs      DS                  Based( RetdFldsDsPtr )
     D  NextFldRtnOfs          1      4I 0
     D  Rf1stLvlTxtLen...
     D                        29     32I 0
     D  Rf1stLvlTxt           33    144

     D ScMsgId         S              7
     D ScMsgType       S              2
     D ScMsgKey        S              4
     D ScJob           S             10
     D ScUsr           S             10
     D ScNbr           S              6
     D ScJobSts        S             10
     D ScRpySts        S              1
     D Sc1stLvl        S            112
     D dftRpyValueErr  S               N

     D main            PR                  ExtPgm('AUTORPY')
     D  qualMsgqName                 20
     D  rpyMsgid                      7
     D  rpyMsgValue                  32
     D  rpyToJob                     10

     D main            PI
     D  qualMsgqName                 20
     D  rpyMsgid                      7
     D  rpyMsgValue                  32
     D  rpyToJob                     10

     C                   Eval      MsiQlMsgqName = qualMsgQName
     C                   CallP     As400ObjFound( MsiQlMsgqName:
     C                                                '*MSGQ' )

      * Set offset fields in the Msi data structure
     C                   Eval      MsiOffstToQlMsgqName
     C                             =   %Addr( MsiQlMsgqName )
     C                               - %Addr( MsgSltInfo    )
     C                   Eval      MsiOffstToStrMsgKey
     C                             =   %Addr( MsiStrMsgKey  )
     C                               - %Addr( MsgSltInfo    )
     C                   Eval      MsiOffstToFldRetdId
     C                             =   %Addr( MsiFldRetdId  )
     C                               - %Addr( MsgSltInfo    )

     C                   ExSr      LoadUsrSpc

     C                   ExSr      ProcessMsgs

     C                   Eval      *INLR = *On

      * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * =
      * LoadUsrSpc - Creates and then loads the user space with the
      *              1st level text of all messages in the specified
      *              message queue.
     C     LoadUsrSpc    BegSr

      * Just to be on the safe side, delete the user space before
      * attempting to create it.
     C                   CallP     DltUsrSpc( 'MSGSPC    QTEMP': ApiErr )

     C                   CallP     CrtUsrSpc( 'MSGSPC    QTEMP':
     C                                        *Blank:
     C                                        25000:
     C                                        X'00':
     C                                        '*ALL':
     C                                        *Blank:
     C                                        ReplaceYes:
     C                                        ApiErr )

      * If there was an error in the API, terminate the subroutine
     C                   If        AeBytesAvl > *Zero
     C                   CallP     SndEscMsg( AeMsgId
     C                                : 'QCPFMSG'
     C                                : %Subst( AeMsgDta: 1: AeBytesAvl-16 )
     C                                       )
     C                   LeaveSr
     C                   EndIf

      * Turn on the autoextend attribute for this user space
     C                   CallP     ChgUsrSpcAttr( RetdLibName:
     C                                            'MSGSPC    QTEMP':
     C                                            EnableAutoExtendDs:
     C                                            ApiErr )

      * If there was an error in the API, terminate the subroutine
     C                   If        AeBytesAvl > *Zero
     C                   LeaveSr
     C                   EndIf

      * Populate the user space with the messages
     C                   CallP     LstMsgsFrmQ( 'MSGSPC    QTEMP':
     C                                          LSTM0100:
     C                                          MsgSltInfo:
     C                                          %Size( MsgSltInfo ):
     C                                          MSLT0100:
     C                                          ApiErr )

      * If there was an error in the API, terminate the subroutine
     C                   If        AeBytesAvl > *Zero
     C                   CallP     SndEscMsg( AeMsgId
     C                                : 'QCPFMSG'
     C                                : %Subst( AeMsgDta: 1:AeBytesAvl- 16 )
     C                                       )
     C                   LeaveSr
     C                   EndIf

      * Get a pointer to the user space
     C                   CallP     AddrOfUsrSpc( 'MSGSPC    QTEMP':
     C                                           SpcPtr:
     C                                           ApiErr )

      * If there was an error in the API, terminate the subroutine
     C                   If        AeBytesAvl > *Zero
     C                   CallP     SndEscMsg( AeMsgId
     C                                : 'QCPFMSG'
     C                                : %Subst( AeMsgDta: 1: AeBytesAvl-16 )
     C                                       )
     C                   LeaveSr
     C                   EndIf

     C                   EndSr

      * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * =
      * ProcessMsgs  -- Process messages in the specified message queue
     C     ProcessMsgs   BegSr

      * Set the basing pointer for the User Space Entry for the first
      * message in the subfile.
     C                   Eval        UsePtr
     C                             = SpcPtr + OffstTo1stSpcEntry
     C                   Do        NumberOfMsgs
      * move user space values to screen
     C                   Eval      ScMsgId  = UseMsgId
     C                   Eval      ScMsgType = UseMsgType
     C                   Eval      ScMsgKey = UseMsgKey
     C*    ScMsgId       dsply
      * get Message Text
     C                   Eval        RetdFldsDsPtr
     C                             = SpcPtr + UseOffstToFldsReturned
     C                   Eval        Sc1stLvl
     C                             = %Subst( Rf1stLvlTxt: 1:
     C                                       Rf1stLvlTxtLen )
      * get Sender Qualjob
     C                   Eval        RetdFldsDsPtr
     C                             = SpcPtr + NextFldRtnOfs
     C                   Eval        SCJob
     C                             = %Subst( Rf1stLvlTxt: 1: 10)
     C                   Eval        SCUsr
     C                             = %Subst( Rf1stLvlTxt:11: 10)
     C                   Eval        SCNbr
     C                             = %Subst( Rf1stLvlTxt:21:  6)
      * get message reply status
     C                   Eval        RetdFldsDsPtr
     C                             = SpcPtr + NextFldRtnOfs
     C                   Eval        SCRpySts
     C                             = %Subst( Rf1stLvlTxt: 1: 10)
     C*    ScRpySts      dsply
     C                   If        UseMsgType = '05' and
     C                             SCRpySts   = 'W'
     C                   If        UseMsgId = rpyMsgId
     C                   ExSr      ChkRpyValue
     C                   If        rpyToJob   =  *blanks or
     C                             (rpyToJob   <> *blanks and
     C                              ScJob    = rpyToJob       )
     C                   ExSr      RpyMsg
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndIf
     C                   Eval      UsePtr =   SpcPtr
     C                                      + UseOffstToNxtEntry

     C                   EndDo

     C                   EndSr

      * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * =
      * ChkRpyValue - Check reply value valid or not
     C     ChkRpyValue   BegSr

     c                   eval      dftRpyValueErr = *Off
     C* How much storage is needed for everything?
     C                   callp     GetMsg( GetSize       :%size(GetSize)
     C                                    :'RTVM0400'    :UseMsgId
     C                                    : UseMsgF + UseMsgFLib
     C                                    :' '           :0
     C                                    :'*NO'         :'*NO'
     C                                    :ErrorNull)
     c* Allocate it and then call the API again
     c                   eval      FmtPtr = %alloc(GetBytAvl)
     c                   callp     GetMsg( Fmt0400       :GetBytAvl
     c                                    :'RTVM0400'    :UseMsgID
     c                                    :UseMsgF + UseMsgFLib
     c                                    :' '           :0
     c                                    :'*NO'         :'*NO'
     c                                    :ErrorNull)
     c* Default replies returned
     c                   if        rpyMsgValue = '*DFT'
     c                   if        LenDftRpyR > 0
     c                   eval      DftRpyPtr = FmtPtr + OffDftRpy
     c                   eval      DftRpy  = %SubSt(DftRpyE:1:LenDftRpyR)
     c*    DftRpy        dsply
     c                   eval      rpyMsgValue = DftRpy
     c                   else
     c                   eval      dftRpyValueErr = *On
     c                   endif
     c                   endif
     c* Any valid replies returned
     c                   if        NbrVldRpyR > 0
     c                   eval      VldRpyPtr = FmtPtr + OffVldRpy
     c                   eval      VldRpyAryIdx = 1
     c                   reset                   VldRpyAry
     c                   do        NbrVldRpyR
     c*    VldRpyE       dsply
     c                   eval      VldRpyAryStr = %trim(VldRpyAryStr) +
     c                             ' ' + %trim(VldRpyE)
     c                   eval      VldRpyAry(VldRpyAryIdx) = VldRpyE
     c                   eval      VldRpyAryIdx = VldRpyAryIdx + 1
     c                   eval      VldRpyPtr = VldRpyPtr + LenVldRpyE
     c                   enddo

     c                   if        Not dftRpyValueErr
     c     lower:upper   xlate     rpyMsgValue   rpyMsgValue
     c                   if        %lookup(rpyMsgValue: VldRpyAry) = 0
     C                   CallP     SndEscMsg( 'CPF9898'
     C                             : 'QCPFMSG'
     C                             : 'MsgId: ' + UseMsgId  +
     C                               ' reply value ' + %trim(rpyMsgValue) +
     C                               ' is not valid, valid reply value is '+
     C                               %trim(VldRpyAryStr)
     C                                       )
     c                   endif
     c                   else
     C                   CallP     SndEscMsg( 'CPF9898'
     C                             : 'QCPFMSG'
     C                             : 'MsgId: ' + UseMsgId  +
     C                               ' reply value ' + %trim(rpyMsgValue) +
     C                               ' is not valid, no default reply' +
     C                               ' setting, valid reply value is '+
     C                               %trim(VldRpyAryStr)
     C                                       )
     c                   endif

     C                   endif
     C                   EndSr

      * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * =
     C     RpyMsg        BegSr
     C                   CALLP     SndRpyMsg ( SCMsgKey :
     C                                         MsiQlMsgqName :
     C                                         %trim(rpyMsgValue):
     C                                         %len(%trim(rpyMsgValue)):
     C                                         '*NO' :
     C                                         ApiErr)
      * If there was an error in the API, terminate the subroutine
     C                   If        AeBytesAvl > *Zero
     C*    AeMsgId       DSPLY
     C                   CallP     SndEscMsg( AeMsgId
     C                                : 'QCPFMSG'
     C                                : %Subst( AeMsgDta: 1 )
     C                                       )
     C                   Else
     C                   Callp     SndCmpMsg(
     C                              'MsgId:' + rpyMsgId + ' replied to job'+
     C                              ' ' + %trim(SCNbr) + '/' + %trim(SCUSr)+
     C                              '/' + %trim(SCJob) + ' with value ' +
     C                              %trim(rpyMsgValue) + '.'
     C                                      )
     C                   EndIf
     C                   EndSr

      * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * = * =
      * As400ObjFound - Attempts to locate an AS/400 object
     P As400ObjFound   B

     D As400ObjFound   PI              N
     D  QlObjName                    20    Value
     D  ObjType                      10    Value

      * Local variables and prototypes

     D RtvObjDesc      PR                  ExtPgm( 'QUSROBJD' )
     D  RcvrVar                       8
     D  LenRcvrVar                   10I 0 Const
     D  FmtName                       8    Const
     D  QlObjName                    20    Const
     D  ObjType                      10    Const
     D  ApiErrInf                          Like( ApiErr )

     D ApiErr          DS
     D  AeBytesProv                  10I 0 Inz( %Size( ApiErr ) )
     D  AeBytesAvl                   10I 0
     D  AeMsgId                       7
     D                                1
     D  AeMsgDta                    256

     D Rcvr            S              8

      * Invoke the QUSROBJD API to attempt to locate the object
     C                   CallP     RtvObjDesc( Rcvr:
     C                                         %Size( Rcvr ):
     C                                         'OBJD0100':
     C                                         QlObjName:
     C                                         ObjType:
     C                                         ApiErr )

      * If the API returns any error at all, I assume we were unable to
      * locate the object.
     C                   If        AeBytesAvl > *Zero
     C                   CallP     SndEscMsg( AeMsgId
     C                                : 'QCPFMSG'
     C                                : %Subst( AeMsgDta: 1:AeBytesAvl- 16 )
     C                                       )
     C                   Return    *Off
     C                   Else
     C                   Return    *On
     C                   EndIf

     P As400ObjFound   E
     **-- Send escape message:  ----------------------------------------------**
     P SndEscMsg       B
     D                 Pi            10i 0
     D  PxMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  PxMsgF                       10a   Const
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying
     D MsgKey          s              4a

     C                   Callp     SndPgmMsg( PxMsgId
     C                                       : PxMsgF + '*LIBL'
     C                                       : PxMsgDta
     C                                       : %Len( PxMsgDta )
     C                                       : '*ESCAPE'
     C                                       : '*PGMBDY'
     C                                       : 1
     C                                       : MsgKey
     C                                       : ApiErr
     C                                      )

     C                   If        AeBytesAvl > *Zero
     C                   Return    -1
     C                   Else
     C                   Return    0
     C                   EndIf
     P SndEscMsg       E
     **-- Send completion message:  ------------------------------------------**
     P SndCmpMsg       B
     D                 Pi            10i 0
     D  PxMsgDta                    512a   Const  Varying

     D MsgKey          s              4a

     C                   Callp     SndPgmMsg( 'CPF9897'
     C                                       : 'QCPFMSG   *LIBL'
     C                                       : PxMsgDta
     C                                       : %Len( PxMsgDta )
     C                                       : '*COMP'
     C                                       : '*PGMBDY'
     C                                       : 1
     C                                       : MsgKey
     C                                       : ApiErr
     C                                      )

     C                   If        AeBytesAvl > *Zero
     C                   Return    -1
     C                   Else
     C                   Return    0
     C                   EndIf

     P SndCmpMsg       E

File   : QCMDSRC
Member : AUTORPY
Type   : CMD

/*  ===============================================================  */
/*  = Command....... AutoRpy                                      =  */
/*  = CPP........... AutoRpy  RPGLE                               =  */
/*  = Description... Auto reply to the sender of an inquiry       =  */
/*  =                message.                                     =  */
/*  =                                                             =  */
/*  = CrtCmd      Cmd( AutoRpy   )                                =  */
/*  =             Pgm( AutoRpy    )                               =  */
/*  =             SrcFile( YourSourceFile )                       =  */
/*  ===============================================================  */
/*  = Date  : 2008/09/09                                          =  */
/*  = Author: Vengoal Chang                                       =  */
/*  ===============================================================  */
             CMD        PROMPT('Auto Reply')

             PARM       KWD(MSGQ) TYPE(QUAL2) MIN(1) PROMPT('Message +
             PARM       KWD(MSGID) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(7) PROMPT('Reply +
                          message id')
             PARM       KWD(REPLY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(32) DFT(*DFT) +
                          SPCVAL((*DFT)) PROMPT('Reply')
             PARM       KWD(LMTRPYJOB) TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) +
                          PROMPT('Reply to job')

 QUAL2:      QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) EXPR(*YES)
             QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) DFT(*LIBL) SPCVAL((*LIBL) +
                          (*CURLIB)) EXPR(*YES) PROMPT('Library')

/* Add message id with no default reply value */

/* Add message id with default reply value */




4. for example use USER01 subbmit job


                               Display Messages                               
                                                      System:   DDSC810       
Queue . . . . . :   USER01                    Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG       
  Library . . . :     QUSRSYS                 Library . . . :                 
Severity  . . . :   00                      Delivery  . . . :   *HOLD         
Type reply (if required), press Enter.                                        
  Job 690946/USER01/JOB2 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:17:58.         
  Job 690962/USER01/JOB1 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:17:58.         
  TEST 0001                                                                   
    Reply . . .                                                               
  Waiting for reply to message on message queue USER01.                      
    Reply . . .                                                               
  Waiting for reply to message on message queue USER01.                      

MSGID TST001 does not set default reply value,so we got following message :   
                        Additional Message Information                         
Message ID . . . . . . :   CPF9898       Severity . . . . . . . :   40         
Message type . . . . . :   Information                                         
Date sent  . . . . . . :   09/09/08      Time sent  . . . . . . :   15:19:26   
Message . . . . :   MsgId: TST0001 reply value *DFT is not valid, no default   
  reply setting, valid reply value is C D E F.                                 
Cause . . . . . :   This message is used by application programs as a general  
  escape message.                                                              

Got following message:
                        Additional Message Information                         
Message ID . . . . . . :   CPF9897       Severity . . . . . . . :   40         
Message type . . . . . :   Information                                         
Date sent  . . . . . . :   09/09/08      Time sent  . . . . . . :   15:22:06   
Message . . . . :   MsgId:TST0001 replied to job 690963/USER01/JOB1 with      
  value C.                                                                     
Cause . . . . . :   No additional online help information is available.        


                               Display Messages                                
                                                      System:   DDSC810        
Queue . . . . . :   USER01                  Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG        
  Library . . . :     QUSRSYS                 Library . . . :                  
Severity  . . . :   00                      Delivery  . . . :   *HOLD          
Type reply (if required), press Enter.                                         
  Job 690946/USER01/JOB2 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:17:58.          
  Job 690962/USER01/JOB1 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:17:58.          
  TEST 0001                                                                    
    Reply . . :   C                                                            
  Waiting for reply to message on message queue USER01.                       
    Reply . . .                                                                
  Waiting for reply to message on message queue USER01.                       
  Job 690963/VENGOAL/JOB1 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:22:06.          

AUTORPY MSGQ(USER01) MSGID(TST0002) REPLY(RR) <== Reply TST002 message with wrong value
Got following message:
                        Additional Message Information                         
Message ID . . . . . . :   CPF9898       Severity . . . . . . . :   40         
Message type . . . . . :   Information                                         
Date sent  . . . . . . :   09/09/08      Time sent  . . . . . . :   15:26:54   
Message . . . . :   MsgId: TST0002 reply value RR is not valid, valid reply    
  value is C D R I.                                                          
Cause . . . . . :   This message is used by application programs as a general  
  escape message.                                                              

Because we just submitted JOB1,JOB2, the TST0002 still isn't replied.
DSPMSG USER01 will got same step 7.1 result.

Got following message:
                        Additional Message Information                        
Message ID . . . . . . :   CPF9897       Severity . . . . . . . :   40        
Message type . . . . . :   Information                                        
Date sent  . . . . . . :   09/09/08      Time sent  . . . . . . :   15:34:13  
Message . . . . :   MsgId:TST0002 replied to job 690965/USER01/JOB2 with     
  value C.                                                                    
Cause . . . . . :   No additional online help information is available.       
                               Display Messages                                
                                                      System:   DDSC810        
Queue . . . . . :   USER01                  Program . . . . :   *DSPMSG        
  Library . . . :     QUSRSYS                 Library . . . :                  
Severity  . . . :   00                      Delivery  . . . :   *HOLD          
Type reply (if required), press Enter.                                         
  Job 690946/USER01/JOB2 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:17:58.          
  Job 690962/USER01/JOB1 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:17:58.          
  TEST 0001                                                                    
    Reply . . :   C                                                            
  Waiting for reply to message on message queue USER01.                       
    Reply . . :   C                                                            
  Waiting for reply to message on message queue USER01.                       
  Job 690963/USER01/JOB1 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:22:06.          
  Job 690965/USER01/JOB2 completed normally on 09/09/08 at 15:34:13.          
