星期二, 11月 07, 2023

2005-06-18 如何列出 journaled File ?(Command LSTJRNFILE with API QjoRetrieveJournalInformation)

如何列出 journaled File ?(Command LSTJRNFILE with API QjoRetrieveJournalInformation)

應用程式有時會需要針對 PF 執行 Commit 或 Rollback 後, 
所以會執行 STRJRNPF 將資料的異動過程紀錄至 journal(日誌)中, 
所以 journal 中會記錄哪些 PF 或 Object 被 journal, 可以透過 
Journal API QjoRetrieveJournalInformation 取得相關資訊, 此工具
 LSTJRNFILE command 會將所指定的 journal file 資訊輸出至報表

File  : QCLSRC
Type  : CLP

/* LSTJRNFILE List processing for Journal                            */
/*                                                                   */
/* Author: Vengoal Chang                                             */
/*         2005/06/13                                                */
    PGM   (&JRNLIB)

    DCL  &LIB    *CHAR 10
    DCL  &JRN    *CHAR 10
   dcl   &Abending      *lgl
   dcl   &MsgID         *char      7
   dcl   &MsgDta        *char    256
   dcl   &MsgF          *char     10
   dcl   &MsgFLib       *char     10
   dcl   &MsgKey        *char      4
   dcl   &MsgType       *char     10
   dcl   &RtnType       *char      2
   dcl   &PgmName       *char     10
   dcl   &Sender        *char     80

   monmsg cpf0000 exec(goto abend)

   /* retrieve the program name */
   sndpgmmsg msg(' ') topgmq(*same) msgtype(*info) keyvar(&msgkey)
   rcvmsg    pgmq(*same) msgtype(*info) sender(&sender) rmv(*yes)
   chgvar    &PgmName   %sst(&Sender 56 10)




   /* normal end of job */
      sndpgmmsg  msgid(cpf9898) msgf(qcpfmsg) msgtype(*comp) +
                   msgdta('Program' *bcat &PgmName *bcat +
                          'completed normally')

   /* Routine to handle unexpected errors */
      if &Abending then(return)
      chgvar   &Abending '1'

      rcvmsg     msgtype(*last) msgdta(&msgdta) msgid(&msgid) +
                    rtntype(&RtnType) +
                    msgf(&msgf) sndmsgflib(&msgflib)
      if ((&RtnType *eq '15') *or (&RtnType *eq '17')) do /* *escape */
         sndpgmmsg  msgid(&msgid)  msgf(&msgf)   msgtype(*diag) +
   sndpgmmsg  msgid(cpf9898) msgf(qcpfmsg) msgtype(*escape) +
                msgdta('Program' *bcat &PgmName *bcat +
                       'ended abnormally')

Type  : RPGLE

      * LSTJRNFILR List journaled File..
      * This program modify from on Craig Rutledge's LSTJRNA utility
      * Modified by Vengoal Chang 2005/06/13
      * Right now the program is set up to load a subfile with a list of journalled files.
      * NOTE:  the api can return data for more files than there is space in the api variable.
      * The limit for the variable is 32767 which allows for 668 files in a single rcvr.  I do not
      * know why they didn't make this a user space application or give me a continuation handle.
      * This will probably not be a problem in most shops anyway, just be aware of it.
      * NOTE :  This program MUST be compiled with DFTACTGRP = '*NO'.  This is due to the bound
      * call to the jrn API.   I put the API to get the file text in a function.   Some people
      * may not need the file text and this will make it easier to remove if desired.
      * Usage: CALL LSTJRNFILR ('journalNamjournalLib')
      *        parameter is 20 chars 10 journal name
      *                              10 journal library
      * api calls:
      * api (application program interfaces) used:
      * QjoRetrieveJournalInformation
      * qbdrtvfd  retrieve file description
      * see system programmer'S INTERFACE REFERENCE for API detail.

     FQSYSPRT   O    F  132        Printer

     D jrnlib          s             21
     D count           s              7  0
     D KeyOffset       s              5  0
     D opt             s              1                                         make alpha
     D sbfFileLib      s             10
     D sbfFileNam      s             10
     D sbfFileTxt      s             50
     D scrAttRcvL      s             10
     D scrAttRcvN      s             10
     D scrJrnLib       s             10
     D scrJrnName      s             10
     D scrJrnText      s             30
     D scrTotFile      s              7  0
     D scrTotMbrs      s              7  0
      * Prototype for calling Retrieve Journal Attributes API.
     D ApiName         c                      'QjoRetrieveJournalInformation'
     D $s              s              5  0
     D                 ds
     Drtnvarlen                1      4b 0 inz(%size(qjon0100))
      *  These DS are used to map the STUPIDLY hard Journal Info to Retrieve parameter.
      *  the 2 InfoCount means I want the Journal Receiver AND the journaled file info.
     D  InfoToRtv      ds
     D  InfoCount              1      4b 0  inz(2)
     D  InfoVarDS                   100
     D  InfoVar        ds                  align
     D    InfoVLlen            1      4b 0  inz(0)                              length of VL record
     D    InfoKey              5      8b 0  inz(0)                              key of info to retur
     D    InfoLOD              9     12b 0  inz(0)                              length of data
     D    InfoData                   38                                         actual data
      * The following are from QRPGLESRC in QSYSINC   member QJOURNAL.
      *Type Definition for the RJRN0100 Format, for the Retrieve
      *Journal Information (QjoRetrieveJournalInformation) API
      *receiver variable.
     DQJON0100         DS         32767    inz
     D QJOBRTN01               1      4B 0                                      Bytes Returned
     D QJOBAVL01               5      8B 0                                      Bytes Available
     D QJOOKI                  9     12B 0                                      Off Key Info
     D QJOJN00                13     22                                         Jrn Name
     D QJOJLN                 23     32                                         Jrn Lib Name
     D QJOASP                 33     36B 0                                      Aux Stg Pool
     D QJOMQN                 37     46                                         Message Queue Name
     D QJOMQLN                47     56                                         Message Queue Lib
     D QJOMRO                 57     57                                         Manage Rcvr Option
     D QJODRO                 58     58                                         Delete Rcvr Option
     D QJONTENT               59     59                                         Rcv Size Opt
     D QJOIXLEN               60     60                                         Rcv Size Opt
     D QJORSV1                61     65                                         Reserved 1
     D QJOJT                  66     66                                         Journal Type
     D QJORJT00               67     67                                         Remote Jrn Type
     D QJOJS                  68     68                                         Journal State
     D QJOJDM                 69     69                                         Journl Delivery Mode
     D QJOLJN                 70     79                                         Lcl Jrn Name
     D QJOLJLN                80     89                                         Lcl Jrn Lib Name
     D QJOLJS                 90     97                                         Lcl Jrn System
     D QJOSJN                 98    107                                         Src Jrn Name
     D QJOSJLN               108    117                                         Src Jrn Lib Name
     D QJOSJS                118    125                                         Src Jrn System
     D QJORRLN               126    135                                         Redirectd Rcv Lib Nm
     D QJOJT00               136    185                                         Journal Text
     D QJORSV2               186    196                                         Reserved 2
     D QJONAJR               197    200B 0                                      Num Att Jrn Rcvs
     D QJOAJRN               201    210                                         Att Jrn Rcv Name
     D QJOAJRLN              211    220                                         Att Jrn Rcv Lib Name
     D QJOSAAJR              221    228                                         Lcl Jrn Sys Asc Att
     D QJOSAAJR00            229    236                                         Src Jrn Sys Asc Att
     D QJOADJRN              237    246                                         Att Dual JrnRcv
     D QJODJRLN              247    256                                         Att Dual JrnRcvLib
     D QJORSV3               257    448                                         Reserved 3
     D QJONOKF               449    452B 0                                      number keys
      *Type Definition for the Repeating Key 1 Output, for the Retrieve
      *Journal Information (QjoRetrieveJournalInformation) API
      *receiver variable.
     D JONRK1O         DS
     D QJOJRN                  1     10                                         Jrn Rcv Name
     D QJOJRLN                11     20                                         Jrn Rcv Lib Name
     D QJOJRNBR               21     25                                         Jrn Rcv Number
     D QJOJRADT               26     38                                         Jrn Rcv Att DateTime
     D QJOJRS                 39     39                                         Jrn Rcv Status
     D QJOJRSDT               40     52                                         Jrn Rcv Sav DateTime
     D QJOJSAJR               53     60                                         LclJrn Sys AscJrnRcv
     D QJOJSAJR00             61     68                                         SrcJrn Sys AscJrnRcv
     D QJOJRS00               69     72B 0                                      Jrn Rcv Size
     D QJOERVED01             73    128                                         Reserved
      *Type Definition for the Key 1 Output Section, for the Retrieve
      *Journal Information (QjoRetrieveJournalInformation) API
      *receiver variable.
     DQJONK1OS         DS
     D QJOTNJR                 1      4B 0                                      Tot Num Jrn Rcvs
     D QJOTSJR                 5      8B 0                                      Tot Size Jrn Rcvs
     D QJOERVED00              9     20
      *Type Definition for the Key 2 Output Section, for the Retrieve
      *Journal Information (QjoRetrieveJournalInformation) API
      *receiver variable.
     DQJONK2OS         DS
     D QJOTNJF                 1      4B 0                                      Tot Num Jrn Files
     D QJOTNJM                 5      8B 0                                      Tot Num Jrn Mbrs
     D QJOERVED02              9     36                                         Reserved
      *Type Definition for the Repeating Key 2 Output, for the Retrieve
      *Journal Information (QjoRetrieveJournalInformation) API
      *receiver variable.
     DQJONRK2O         DS
     D QJOOBJT00               1     10                                         Object Type
     D QJOOBJN00              11     20                                         Object Name
     D QJOOBJLN               21     30                                         Object Lib Name
     D QJOERVED03             31     48                                         Reserved
      * repeat for each key specified.  rjrn0100 format.  Offsets to key data
     D RepeatKey       ds                  align inz
     D  repKey                 1      4b 0                                      Key value
     D  repStartOfKey          5      8b 0                                      Offset to start
     D  repLenHeader           9     12b 0                                      length of header dta
     D  repNumEntries         13     16b 0                                      number entries
     D  repLenEntry           17     20b 0                                      length of entry
      * Error return code parm for APIs.
     D vApiErrDs       ds
     D  vbytpv                       10i 0 inz(%size(vApiErrDs))                bytes provided
     D  vbytav                       10i 0 inz(0)                               bytes returned
     D  vmsgid                        7                                         error msgid
     D  vresvd                        1                                         reserved
     D  vexdta                       50                                         replacement data
      * Define function prototype to return file text from API.
     D GetFileTxt      pr            50
     D                               10
     D                               10
     C     *entry        plist                                                  PASSED PARMS
     C                   parm                    $JrnLib          20            OBJ LIB  20
     C     RefreshTag    tag
      * Load DS with values to return journaled object info.
      * 1 = key value for journal receivers
      * 0  = length of object type selector (N/A for receivers)
      * *blanks = (N/A for receivers)
     C                   eval      InfoKey = 1                                  journal receivers
     C                   eval      InfoLOD  = 0
     C                   eval      InfoVLlen = 12                               length of VL record
     C                   eval      InfoData = *blanks
     C                   eval      InfoVarDS = InfoVar
      * 2 = key value for objects
      * 10 = length of object type selector *all
      * *ALL = return all object types being journaled
     C                   eval      InfoKey = 2                                  files journaled
     C                   eval      InfoLOD  = 10
     C                   eval      InfoVLlen = 22
     C                   eval      InfoData = '*FILE '
     C                   eval      InfoVarDS = %trimr(InFoVarDS) + InfoVar
     C                   callb     ApiName                                      LOAD JRN DATA
     C                   parm                    qjon0100
     C                   parm                    rtnvarlen
     C                   parm      $JrnLib       qualifiedJ       20
     C                   parm      'RJRN0100'    $fornm            8            TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    InfoToRtv
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs
      * I am arbitrarily going to show only the
      * first attached journal receiver on the screen.   All my journals (and probably most of
      * everybody elses) only have one receiver attached.  If you are interested in multiple
      * receivers though,  let me know and I can add this code.
     C                   move      *blanks       scrAttRcvN
     C                   move      *blanks       scrAttRcvL
     C                   move      *blanks       scrJrnName
     C                   move      *blanks       scrJrnLib
     C                   move      *blanks       scrJrnText
     C                   eval      scrAttRcvN = qjoajrn                         Attached Receiver
     C                   eval      scrAttRcvL = qjoajrln                        Attached Rcv Lib
     C                   eval      scrJrnName = qjojn00                         Journal name
     C                   eval      scrJrnLib = qjojln                           Journal library
     C                   eval      scrJrnText = qjojt00                         Journal text
      * First we want to get the number of Keys
      * that where returned.  In this case it should be 2 as that is all I asked for.
      * Then spin down the key offsets until we find key number 2.  That will be the journaled
      * files.
     C                   z-add     453           KeyOffset
 1B  C                   do        qjonokf                                      number of keys
     C                   eval      RepeatKey = %subst(qjon0100:KeyOffset:20)
 2B  C                   select
 2X  C                   when      repKey = 1                                   Journal Receivers
      ******             exsr      GetJrnRcvs
 2X  C                   when      repKey = 2                                   Journaled files
     C                   exsr      GetFileNames
 2X  C                   when      repKey = 3                                   Remote Journal Info
      *****              exsr      GetRemote
 2E  C                   endsl
     C                   add       20            KeyOffset
 1E  C                   enddo
     C                   eval      *inlr = *on                                  PROGRAM END
      * Process the journaled file names.  use the offsets to spin through file names.
     C     GetFileNames  begsr
     C                   z-add     0             scrTotFile
     C                   z-add     0             scrTotMbrs
     C                   move      *blanks       sbfFileNam
     C                   move      *blanks       sbfFileLib
     C                   eval      $s=(repStartOfKey + qjooki + 5)
     C                   eval      qjonk2os = %subst(qjon0100:$s:repLenHeader)
     C                   z-add     QJOTNJF       scrTotFile                     Tot Num Jrn Files
     C                   z-add     QJOTNJM       scrTotMbrs                     Tot Num Jrn Mbrs
     C                   add       repLenHeader  $s                              step over to list
     C                   eval      JrnLib = %trim(%subst($JrnLib:11:10))+
     C                                      '/' +
     C                                       %trim(%subst($JrnLib:1:10))
     C                   except    HEAD

 1B  C                   do        repNumEntries count
     C                   eval      qjonrk2o = %subst(qjon0100:$s:repLenEntry)
     C                   move      qjoobjn00     sbfFileNam
     C                   move      qjoobjln      sbfFileLib
     c*    sbfFileNam    dsply
      *        ----------------------------------------------------------------
      *        Execute a function to get the file text.
      *        ----------------------------------------------------------------
     C                   eval      sbfFileTxt =
     C                             GetFileTxt(sbfFileNam:sbfFileLib)
     C                   except    out                                           LOAD SUBFILE
      *        ----------------------------------------------------------------
     C                   add       repLenEntry   $s                              next entry
 1E  C                   enddo
     C                   endsr
     OQSYSPRT   E            HEAD           1
     O                                            9 'Journal:'
     O                       JrnLib              31
     O          E            HEAD           1
     O                                            5 'File'
     O                                           19 'Library'
     O                                           28 'Text'
     O          E            OUT            1
     O                       sbfFileNam     B    11
     O                       sbfFileLib     B    22
     O                       sbfFileTxt     B    74
      *  Function to return File Text.   This was done a function to isolate the D specs from
      *  the complexity of the Journal API.
     PGetFileTxt       B                                                        Begin Procedure
     D GetFileTxt      pi            50                                         Procedure Interface
     D   sbfFileNam                  10                                          incoming arguement
     D   sbfFileLib                  10                                          incoming arguement
     D fillib          s             20                                         file library
     D $fltxt          s             50                                         file library
     D$systm$          c                   const('*FILETYPE')
      * this value is used as an offset to the file scope array section
      * fhflg  =  rd bit is used to determine if original file is
      *          physical or logical file.
      * fscope = offset
     D $rcvds          ds
     D    $rcvln               1      4b 0 inz(32000)
     D $rcvar          ds         32000    inz
     D    fhflg                9      9                                         file type bits
     D    qdbfmtnum           62     63b 0                                      number record fmts
     D    qdbfhtxt            85    134                                         file text
     D    $flfld$            207    208b 0                                      number of fields
     D    $fllen$            305    306b 0                                      file length
     D    fscope             317    320b 0                                      offest to file scope
      * Error return code parm for APIs.
     D vApiErrDs       ds
     D  vbytpv                       10i 0 inz(%size(vApiErrDs))                bytes provided
     D  vbytav                       10i 0 inz(0)                               bytes returned
     D  vmsgid                        7                                         error msgid
     D  vresvd                        1                                         reserved
     D  vexdta                       50                                         replacement data
     C                   eval      fillib = sbfFileNam + sbfFileLib
      * call API to get file description.
     C                   call      'QDBRTVFD'                                   LOAD DBR
     C                   parm                    $rcvar                         RECEIVER VARIAB
     C                   parm                    $rcvln                         RECEIVER LENGTH
     C                   parm                    $rtnfl           20            RETRN FILE/LIB
     C                   parm      'FILD0100'    $fornm                         TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm      fillib        $fillb           20            FILE LIB  20
     C                   parm      '*FIRST '     $formt           10            ALL FORMATS
     C                   parm      '0'           $ovrrd            1            NO OVERRIDES
     C                   parm      $systm$       $systm           10            WHICH SYSTEM
     C                   parm      '*EXT'        $frmtp           10            FORMAT TYPE?
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs
     C                   eval      $fltxt=qdbfhtxt
     C                   return    $fltxt                                       return value
     PGetFileTxt       E                                                        End Procedure

Type  : CMD

/* Author: Vengoal Chang                                       */
/*         2005/06/13                                          */
/* To Compile:                                                 */
/*   CREATE RPGLESRC PGM --> LSTJRNFILR                        */
/*   CREATE CLP   PGM    --> LSTJRNFILC         CMD PGM        */
/*      SRCFILE(XXX/QCMDSRC)                                   */
 LSTJRNFILE: CMD        PROMPT('List Journaled File')
             PARM       KWD(JOURNAL) TYPE(NAME1) MIN(1) +
                          PROMPT('Journal name')
 NAME1:      QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) EXPR(*YES)
             QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) DFT(*LIBL) +
                          SPCVAL((*LIBL)) EXPR(*YES) CHOICE('Name, +
                          *LIBL') PROMPT('Library')
