星期二, 11月 07, 2023

2006-03-23 如何限制 SYSREQ (System request) 功能 ?

如何限制 SYSREQ (System request) 功能 ?

                               System Request                                 
                                                            System:   xxxxxxx  
Select one of the following:                                                   
     1. Display sign on for alternative job                                    
     2. End previous request                                                   
     3. Display current job                                                    
     4. Display messages                                                       
     5. Send a message                                                         
     6. Display system operator messages                                       
     7. Display work station user                                              
    80. Disconnect job                                                         
    90. Sign off                                                               
F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                           
(C) COPYRIGHT IBM CORP. 1980, 2002.                                            
這些選項相關的指令放置於訊息檔 QCPFMSG 的 MSGID CPX2313 中, 可以由 DSPMSGD CPX2313取得,

                       Select Message Details to Display                        
                                                             System:   xxxxxxx  
 Message ID . . . . . . . . . :   CPX2313                                       
 Message file . . . . . . . . :   QCPFMSG                                       
   Library  . . . . . . . . . :     QSYS                                        
 Message text . . . . . . . . :   ENDRQS     WRKJOB     DSPMSG     SNDMSG     SI
GNOFF    DSPMSG     DSCJOB     DSPWSUSR   ENDRDBRQS                             
 Select one of the following:                                                   
      1. Display message text                                                   
      5. Display message attributes                                             
     30. All of the above                                                       
 F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                           
其中選項 1 是開啟第二個 SignOn 畫面, 便於同時有兩個工作互相切換,此時當然只有一個工作是
執行中,另一個在背景等待 SYSREQ 1 切換能繼續執行.

選項 2 (ENDRQS) 是終止目前執行中的作業, 這個功能最令 IT 人員既愛又恨, 因為它可以將某些不
正常執行的線上作業馬上終止, 但是一般使用者若是使用這個功能時, 就令人討厭了, 因為它也會造
成正常作業因為不正常結束導致 IT 人員需要做其他相關回復動作.

選項 3 (DSPJOB)是顯示目前作業的相關屬性, 或檢視報表. 這可以透過 WRKMSG QCPFMSG 找到 
CPX2313 使用選項 2 更改 DSPJOB 為 WRKJOB, 相信管理目前工作相關報表會很好用, 不過要記住更換
時, 不能多於六個英文字, 因為這個訊息中每個指令的內容長度是固定的, 所以 DSPJOB 可以改 WRKJOB.


有些應用軟體或環境需要限制 SYSREQ (System request) 所有功能, 應該要如何做呢 ?

這就需要透過系統提供的 System Request Exit Point: QIBM_QWT_SYSREQPGMS(V3R7 開始才有)
及設定 User Profile 才能達成.

      * 要啟用時, 需將 Exit program 加入 Exit point:
      *                 FORMAT(SREQ0100) PGMNBR(1) 
      *                 PGM(QGPL/SYSREQEXIT)
      * 要取消此功能時請使用下列指令移除 
      * 設定要限制某些人存取 SYSREQ 功能
      * 限制!
     ==> CALL SETATNINF ('user-profile' '1')
      * 解除限制 ==> CALL SETATNINF ('user-profule' '0')

Type  : RPGLE

      *                 SRCMBR(SYSREQEXIT)
      * Attach this program to the Exit Point: QIBM_QWT_SYSREQPGMS
      * Use WRKREGINF to add the exit program to QIBM_QWT_SYSREQPGMS or
      *  For any users that you wish to deny access to the attention key menu
      *  set the paramater SysReqDsp to anything other than 1.
      *  NOTE: To enable this exit program to be called, you must set the user
      *        profile so that it will look for this exit program. You do that
      *        by calling the API QWTSETPX for each user profile and tell it which
      *        of the eight possible exit programs can be called for this exit
      *        point, which one to call for that profile.
      *        The RPGLE program named xxx/SETATNINF can be called, passing
      *        to it as a parameter the user profile you wish to block from using
      *        the attention key menu.
     H Debug
     DPgmDs           SDS
     D JobName               244    253
     D UserName              254    263
     D JobNumber             264    269

      **-- API error data structure:  ----------------------------------
     D ApiError        Ds
     D  AeBytPrv                      10i 0 Inz( %Size( ApiError ))
     D  AeBytAvl                     10i 0
     D  AeExcpId                      7a
     D           !
     D  AeExcpDta                   128a

      **-- Send message:  ----------------------------------------------
     D SndMsg          Pr                  ExtPgm( 'QMHSNDDM' )
     D  SmMsgId                       7a   Const
     D  SmMsgFq                      20a   Const
     D  SmMsgDta                    512a   Const Options( *VarSize )
     D  SmMsgDtaLen                  10i 0 Const
     D  SmMsgTyp                     10a   Const
     D  SmMsgQq                    1000a   Const Options( *VarSize )
     D  SmMsgQnbr                    10i 0 Const
     D  SmMsgQrpy                    20a   Const
     D  SmMsgKey                      4a
     D  SmError                      10i 0 Const

     D SysReqDsp       S             10i 0
     D SysUsrDta       S            128a
     D MsgKey          s              4a
     D Msg_Str         S            256

     C     *Entry        Plist
     C                   Parm                    SysReqDsp
     C                   Parm                    SysUsrDta
     C                   Eval      SysReqDsp = 0
      * Send Info message
     C                   Eval      Msg_Str = '** User ' + %trim(UserName) +
     C                                       ' is not authorized to ' +
     C                                       'System request function!'
     C                   Callp(e)  SndMsg(
     C                             'CPF9897':'QCPFMSG   *LIBL     ':
     C                             msg_str: 256 :
     C                             '*INFO  ':
     C                             'QSYSOPR   *LIBL      ':
     C                             1: *blanks : msgkey :
     C                             0)
     C*                            ApiError)
     C                   Eval      *Inlr = *On

Type  : RPGLE
        限制     ==> CALL SETATNINF ('user-profile' '1')
        解除限制 ==> CALL SETATNINF ('user-profule' '0')

      * Sets User Profile Information for Attention Key Exit Program Processing
      *    You MUST pass the user profile for that user to this
      *    program in order to change the profile for that user
      *  To Create:  CrtBndRPG(xxx/SETATNINF)
      **  Set Profile Exit Programs API
       **   Parameters:
      **      NumEnt = Number of Exit Program flags being passed in
      **    ExtFlags = Array of number of elements (1 to 8).
      **               - 0 = Don't Call
      **               - 1 = Yes Call
      **               - -1 = Do Not Change This Value
      **      Format = 'ATTN0100' - Preattention Key program processing flags
      **             = 'SREQ0100' - System Request program processing flags
      **      UserID = The user profile to update
      **   ErrorCode = API error code, used to return any errors.
     D SetProfExt      PR                  ExtPgm('QWTSETPX')
     D   NumEnt                      10i 0 const
     D   ExtFlags                    10i 0 DIM(8) const
     D   Format                       8a   const
     D   UserID                      10A   const
     D   ErrorCode                32766A   options(*varsize: *nopass)

     D ErrDs           DS
     D  BytesPrv               1      4I 0 INZ(256)
     D  BytesAvl               5      8I 0 INZ(0)
     D  ErrMsgID               9     15
     D  Reserved              16     16
     D  ErrMsgDta             17    256

     DToUser           S             10a
     DEnable           S              1a 
     C     *Entry        Plist
     C                   Parm                    ToUser
     C                   Parm                    Enable
     c                   If        Enable = '1' 
     c                   callp     SetProfExt(1:1:'SREQ0100':ToUser:ErrDS)
     c                   callp     SetProfExt(1:1:'ATTN0100':ToUser:ErrDS)
     c                   Else                                             
     c                   callp     SetProfExt(1:0:'SREQ0100':ToUser:ErrDS)
     c                   callp     SetProfExt(1:0:'ATTN0100':ToUser:ErrDS)
     c                   EndIf                                            
     C                   Eval      *Inlr = *On

