星期三, 11月 08, 2023

2008-05-16 如何取得 Job 狀態為 MSGW 的程式錯誤訊息,並傳送程式錯誤訊息給指定使用者?(Command RTVMSGWJL with API QMHLJOBL)

如何取得 Job 狀態為 MSGW 的程式錯誤訊息,並傳送程式錯誤訊息給指定使用者?(Command RTVMSGWJL with API QMHLJOBL)

你可以先使用 API QUSLJOB 取得所有 Job 的列表,再篩選 Job 狀態為 MSGW 的 Job 執行 RTVMSGWJL 指令即可。

Type   : RPGLE
OS Version: V5R1 以上

      * RTVMSGWJL  Retrieve Job MSGW ErrMsg from Job Log
      * Copyright (C) 04/03/2008  Vengoal Chang    
      * This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms
      * of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.
      * This program retrieve specified job job's log and send err log
      * to specified MSGQ, you could modify for checking message
      * type or message id as your request.
      * api (application program interfaces) used:
      * quscrtus  create user space
      * qusptrus  retrieve pointer to user space
      * qmhljobl  list job log messages
      * qezsndmg  send message to user
     D uSpaceName      s             20    inz('RTVMSGWJL QTEMP     ')
     D msgtxt          s            768
     D msgtxt494       s            494
     D msgtxt06        s            256
     D msgtxt15        s            256
     D msgtxt17        s            256
     D QUSLIB          s             10

     D MsgQDs          Ds
     D  MsgQEntSize                   4B 0
     D  MsgQEntStr                   20    Dim( 20 )
     D Idx             S              2  0
     D AryIdx          S             10I 0
     D QualMsgq        DS
     D   MsgQ                        10
     D   MsgQLib                     10

      *Array for contain MsgQStr
     D MsgQUsrDs       Ds
     D MsgQUsrAry                    10    Dim( 20 )
     D                                     Inz( *HiVal )    Ascend
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  -  User space attributes data structure                           -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D QUSAttr         DS
     D  QUSNumRec                    10I 0 Inz( 1 )
     D  QUSKey                       10I 0 Inz( 3 )
     D  QUSRecLen                    10I 0 Inz( 1 )
     D  QUSRecData                    1A   Inz( '1' )

      * Get user space list info from header section.
     D                 ds                  based(uHeadPtr)
     D uOffSetToList         125    128i 0
     D uNumOfEntrys          133    136i 0
     D uSizeOfEntry          137    140i 0
     D uListEntry1     ds                  Based(uListPtr )
     D uOffsetToNext                 10i 0 overlay(uListEntry1:1)
     D uOffsetToFlds                 10i 0 overlay(uListEntry1:5)
     D uNumFldsRetrnd                10i 0 overlay(uListEntry1:9)
     D uMsgSeverity                  10i 0 overlay(uListEntry1:12)
     D uMsgId                         7a   overlay(uListEntry1:17)
     D uMsgType                       2a   overlay(uListEntry1:24)
     D uMsgKey                        4a   overlay(uListEntry1:26)
     D uMsgFile                      20a   overlay(uListEntry1:30)
     D uMsgFileName                  10a   overlay(uListEntry1:30)
     D uMsgFileLib                   10a   overlay(uListEntry1:40)
      * these fields repeat for each key selected.
     D uListEntry2     ds                  Based(uListPtr2)
     D u2OffsetToNext                10i 0
     D u2LengthOfFlds                10i 0
     D u2IdentifierF                 10i 0
     D u2TypeOfData                   1a
     D u2StatOfData                   1a
     D u2Reserved                    14a
     D u2LengthOfData                10i 0
     D u2Data                       500
      * Error return code parm for APIs.
     D vApiErrDs       ds
     D  vbytpv                       10i 0 inz(%size(vApiErrDs))
     D  vbytav                       10i 0 inz(0)
     D  vmsgid                        7a
     D  vresvd                        1a
     D  vrpldta                      50a
      * Message selection data structure.
      *                               Retrieve JOB Log direction
      * Parameter                   | From Top    | From Bottom
      * msListDirection             | *NEXT       | *PRV
      * msStartingMessageKey        | X'00000000' | X'FFFFFFFF'
     D MsgSelectDS     ds
     D  msMaxMsgRequested...
     D                               10i 0 inz(-1)     overlay(msgSelectDS:1)   num of msg requested
     D  msListDirection...
     D                               10a   inz('*NEXT') overlay(msgSelectDS:5)   List direction
     D  msQualifiedJobName...
     D                               10a   inz('*')    overlay(msgSelectDS:15)     * = current job
     D  msQualifiedUserName...
     D                               10a   inz(' ')    overlay(msgSelectDS:25)       = current job
     D  msQualifiedJobNumber...
     D                                6a   inz(' ')    overlay(msgSelectDS:35)       = current job
     D  msInternalJobIdentifier...
     D                               16a   inz(' ')    overlay(msgSelectDS:41)       = current job
     D  msStartingMessageKey...
     D                                4a   inz(x'00000000')                     start newest message
     D                                                 overlay(msgselectDS:57)
     D  msMaxMsgLength...
     D                               10i 0 inz(500)    overlay(msgSelectDS:61)  id 301,302 lengths
     D  msMaxMsgHelpLength...
     D                               10i 0 inz(100)    overlay(msgSelectDS:65)  id 401,402,403,404
     D  msOffsetToIdentifiersOfFieldstoReturn...
     D                               10i 0 inz(84)     overlay(msgSelectDS:69)  to start of array
     D  msNumberOfFieldsToReturn...
     D                               10i 0 inz(1)      overlay(msgSelectDS:73)
     D  msOffsetToCallMsgQname...
     D                               10i 0 inz(88)     overlay(msgSelectDS:77)
     D  msLengthOfCallMsgQname...
     D                               10i 0 inz(1)      overlay(msgSelectDS:81)
     D  msIndentifiersOfFieldsToReturn...
     D                               10i 0 inz(0302)   overlay(msgSelectDS:85)
     D  msCallMessageQueueName...
     D                                1a   inz('*')    overlay(msgSelectDS:89)
      * Create Prototypes for calls
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  -  QusCrtUs  - Create User Space API                              -
      *  -                                                                 -
      *  -  Usage      Length   Type         Parameter Description         -
      *  -                                                                 -
      *  -  Input          20   Character    Qualified user space name     -
      *  -  Input          10   Character    Extended attribute            -
      *  -  Input         4 0   Binary       Initial size                  -
      *  -  Input           1   Character    Initial value                 -
      *  -  Input          10   Character    Public authority              -
      *  -  Input          50   Character    Text description              -
      *  -  Replace        10   Character    Replace                       -
      * --------------------------------------------------------------------
     D quscrtus        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSCRTUS')
     D                               20
     D                               10    const
     D                               10i 0 const
     D                                1    const
     D                               10    const
     D                               50    const
     D                               10    const
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  -  Qusptrus      - Get user space pointer       API               -
      *  -                                                                 -
      *  -  Usage      Length   Type         Parameter Description         -
      *  -                                                                 -
      *  -  Input          20   Character    Qualified user space name     -
      *  -  Output          *   Pointer      UserSpace Pointer             -
      *  -  Output                           Error Code                    -
      *  - -----------------------------------------------------------------
     D qusptrus        PR                  ExtPgm('QUSPTRUS')                   retrieve pointer
     D                               20                                         Space Name
     D                                 *                                        pointer
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)                      error parm
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  -  Quscusat      - Change User Space Attributes API               -
      *  -                                                                 -
      *  -  Usage      Length   Type         Parameter Description         -
      *  -                                                                 -
      *  -  Output         10   Character    Returned library              -
      *  -  Input          20   Character    Qualified user space name     -
      *  -  Input          13   Character    Attribute structure           -
      *  -  Output                           Error code                    -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
     D quscusat        PR                  ExtPgm( 'QUSCUSAT' )
     D                               10A   Const
     D                               20A   Const
     D                               13A   Const
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)
      *  ---------------------------------------------------------------
     D system          PR            10I 0 extproc('system')
     D  i_cmd                          *   value options(*string)
     D EXCP_MSGID      S              7A   import('_EXCP_MSGID')
      *  --------------------------------------------------------------
     D qmhljobl        PR                  ExtPgm('QMHLJOBL ')
     D                               20
     D                                8    const
     Db                                    like(MsgSelectDS)
     D                               10i 0 const
     D                                8    const
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)
      *  --------------------------------------------------------------
     D qmhsndm         PR                  ExtPgm('QMHSNDM')
     D  msgid                         7    const
     D  msgfil                       20    const
     D  msgtxt                      256    const
     D  msglen                       10i 0 const
     D  msgtype                      10    const
     D  msgq                         10    const
     D  msgq#                        10i 0 const
     D  rpymq                        20    const
     D  msgkey                        4    const
     Db                                    like(vApiErrDS)
      *  --------------------------------------------------------------
     D QEZSNDMG        PR                  ExtPgm('QEZSNDMG')
     D   Msgtype                     10A   const
     D   DelivMode                   10A   const
     D   MsgTxt                   32767A   const options(*varsize)
     D   MsgLen                      10I 0 const
     D   MsgQ                        10A   const
     D                                     dim(32767) options(*varsize)
     D   NumMsgQ                     10I 0 const
     D   MsgSent                     10I 0
     D   FuncReq                     10I 0
     D   ErrorCode                32767A   options(*varsize)
     D   DspScrn                      1A   const options(*nopass)
     D   ReplyQ                      20A   const options(*nopass)
     D   NameType                     4A   const options(*nopass)
     D   CCSID                       10I 0 const options(*nopass)

     D ErrorCode       DS
     D   BytesProv                   10I 0 inz(0)
     D   BytesAvail                  10I 0 inz(0)

     D msgTypeA        s             10
     D sentcode        s             10I 0
     D funccode        s             10I 0

     D main            PR                  extpgm('RTVMSGWJLR')
     D  jobname                      10
     D  jobuser                      10
     D  jobnumber                     6
     D  msgtype                       5
     D  msgQDsInput                        like(MsgQDs)

     D main            PI
     D  jobname                      10
     D  jobuser                      10
     D  jobnumber                     6
     D  msgtype                       5
     D  msgQDsInput                        like(MsgQDs)

      * Main Process
     C                   eval      *inlr = *on

     C                   eval      msQualifiedJobName   = jobname
     C                   eval      msQualifiedUserName  = jobuser
     C                   eval      msQualifiedJobNumber = jobnumber
     c                   eval      msgTypeA = MsgType
     C                   eval      msgQDs  = msgQDsInput

     C                   Eval      Idx = 0
     C                   Eval      AryIdx = 0
     C                   DoW       Idx < MsgQEntSize
     C                   Eval      Idx = Idx + 1
     C                   Eval      QualMsgQ  = MsgQEntStr(Idx)
      * only msgq show onec
      * regardless of number times used.
     C                   If        AryIdx = 0  or
     C                             %lookup(MsgQ :MsgQUsrAry:1:AryIdx) = 0
     C                   Eval      AryIdx = AryIdx + 1
     C                   Eval      MsgQUsrAry(AryIdx)  = MsgQ
     C                   EndIf

     C                   EndDo

      * Create user space
     C                   callp     QUSCRTUS(
     C                             uSpaceName:
     C                             'TEST':
     C                             1500000:
     C                             x'00':
     C                             '*ALL':
     C                             'User Space CHKJOBLOG' :
     C                             '*YES':
     C                             vApiErrDs)
      * set UserSpace to autoextended
     C                   CallP     QUSCUSAT( QUSLib     :
     C                                       uSpaceName :
     C                                       QUSAttr    :
     C                                       vApiErrDs  )
      * Get pointer to user space
     C                   callp     QUSPTRUS(
     C                             uSpaceName:
     C                             uHeadPtr:
     C                             vApiErrDs)
      * call api to load job log into user space.
     C                   callp     QMHLJOBL(
     C                             uSpaceName:
     C                             'LJOB0100':
     C                             MsgSelectDS:
     C                             %len(MsgSelectDS):
     C                             'JSLT0100':
     C                             vApiErrDs)
      * Process elements
     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uHeadPtr + uOffSetToList
 1B  C                   do        uNumOfEntrys

      * Message Type                                              Example
      * 15  Escape, exception already handled when API is called  MCH1211
      * 17  Escape, exception not handled when API is called      CPF9999
      * 06  Sender's copy                                         RNQ0102
      * Example Error: divide by zero
      * Job log sequence : MCH1211 Attempt made to divide by zero
      *                            for fixed point operation.
      *                    CPF9999 Function check. MCH1211
      * unmonitored by TESTERR at statement 0000000007, instruction X'0000'
      *    reply message=> RNQ0102 Attempt to divide by zero (C G D F).

     C                   If        uMsgType = '06' or
     C                             uMsgType = '15' or
     C                             uMsgType = '17'
     C                   eval      uListPtr2 = uHeadPtr + uOffsetToFlds
     C                   If        uMsgType = '15'
     C                   eval      msgtxt15 =
     C                                      %subst(u2Data:1:U2LengthOfData)
     C                   EndIf
     C                   If        uMsgType = '17'
     C                   eval      msgtxt17 =
     C                                      %subst(u2Data:1:U2LengthOfData)
     C                   EndIf
     C                   If        uMsgType = '06'
     C                   eval      msgtxt06 =
     C                                      %subst(u2Data:1:U2LengthOfData)
     C                   EndIf

     C                   EndIf

     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uHeadPtr  + uOffsetToNext
 1E  C                   enddo

     C                   eval      msgtxt = '*** Job MSGW Error Message' +
     C                                      ' *** ' +
     C                                      'Job ' +
     C                                      %trim(jobnumber) + '/' +
     C                                      %trim(jobuser)   + '/' +
     C                                      %trim(jobname)   + ' ' +
     C                                      'error text:'    + ' ' +
     C                                      %trim(msgtxt15) + ' ' +
     C                                      %trim(msgtxt17) + ' ' +
     C                                      %trim(msgtxt06)
     C                   eval      msgtxt494 = msgtxt
     C                   if        %len(%trim(msgtxt15) +
     C                                  %trim(msgtxt17) +
     C                                  %trim(msgtxt06)) > 0
     C                   exsr      SndEzMsg
     C                   EndIf

     C                   return
     C     SndEzMsg      BegSr
     C                   callp     QEZSNDMG( msgTypeA
     C                                     : '*BREAK'
     C                                     : msgtxt494
     C                                     : %len(msgtxt494)
     C                                     : MsgQUsrAry
     C                                     : AryIdx
     C                                     : sentcode
     C                                     : funccode
     C                                     : ErrorCode
     C                                     : 'N'
     C                                     : *blanks
     C                                     : '*USR'
     C                                     : 0 )
     C                   EndSr

File   : QCMDSRC
Type   : CMD
Usage  : CRTCMD CMD(your-lib/RTVMSGWJL) PGM(your-lib/RTVMSGWJLR)

/*  ===============================================================  */
/*  =  Command....... RtvMsgwJL                                   =  */
/*  =  Source type... CMD                                         =  */
/*  =  Description... Retrieve MSGW Job ErrMsg from Job Log       =  */
/*  =                                                             =  */
/*  =  CPP........... RtvMsgwJLR                                  =  */
/*  =                                                             =  */
/*  ===============================================================  */
/*  = Date  : 2008/03/21                                          =  */
/*  = Author: Vengoal Chang                                       =  */
/*  ===============================================================  */
/*  = Create strp:                                                =  */
/*  =  CRTCMD    CMD(RtvMsgwJL)  PGM(RtvMsgwJLR) +                =  */
/*  =                            SRCFILE(LIB/QCMDSRC)             =  */
/*  ===============================================================  */
      /*  Command Definition                            */

             CMD        PROMPT('RTV MSGW Job Log and Send')
             PARM       KWD(JOB) TYPE(*SNAME) LEN(10) MIN(1) +
                          PROMPT('Job name')
             PARM       KWD(USER) TYPE(*SNAME) LEN(10) MIN(1) +
                          PROMPT('User name')
             PARM       KWD(JOBNBR) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(6) RANGE(000000 +
                          999999) MIN(1) PROMPT('Job number')
             PARM       KWD(MSGTYPE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5) RSTD(*YES) +
                          DFT(*INFO) VALUES(*INFO *INQ) +
                          PROMPT('Message type')
             PARM       KWD(TOMSGQ) TYPE(MSGQ) MAX(20) PROMPT('Send +
                          log to message queue')

             QUAL       TYPE(*NAME) LEN(10) DFT(*LIBL) +
                          SPCVAL((*LIBL) (*CURLIB)) EXPR(*YES) +

Member : TESTERR
Type   : RPGLE
Usage  : 測試程式 
         此測試程式用於產生除以 0 的錯誤

D num1            S             10I 0                  
D num2            S             10I 0                  
D result          S             10I 0                  
C                   eval      *InLr = *On              
C                   eval      result = num1/ num2      

TESTERR 編譯後,執行下列指令:
sbmjob cmd(call testerr) job(testerr)
WRKACTJOB 檢視 JOB TESTERR 執行狀態是 MSGW,記下該 JOB 的 JOB name, Job user, Job number
執行 RTVMSGWJL JOB(jobname) USER(jobuser) JOBNBR(jobnbr) TOMSGQ(anyoneuser)
>From  . . . :   VENGOAL        05/16/08   11:19:15                  
*** Job MSGW Error Message *** Job 509363/VENGOAL/TESTERR error text
  Attempt made to divide by zero for fixed point operation. Function
  check. MCH1211 unmonitored by TESTERR at statement 0000000007,    
  instruction X'0000'. Attempt to divide by zero (C G D F).                                              

