星期二, 11月 07, 2023

2007-01-30 如何擷取系統 NetServer 的名稱, 網域, 說明及狀態(with API API QZLSLSTI)

如何擷取系統 NetServer 的名稱, 網域, 說明及狀態(with API API QZLSLSTI)

Netserver 是將 AS/400 的目錄分享出來, 可以當成 windows 的網路磁碟機, 詳細資訊參照 Netserver
你可以直接在 windows 中 開始->執行-> 輸入 \\yours-as400ip\ 此時若 Netserver 有啟動, 就會出現輸入
user 及 password 的視窗, 輸入 as400 user 及 password 即可進入 as400 的 目錄分享區,預設至少會有 QIBM, 
你可以使用 Client Access Navigator 或 使用 GO NETS command tool
來管理 Netserver.
File  : QCLSRC
Type  : CLP


   dcl   &NSName      *char     15          /* NetServer ServerName */
   dcl   &DomName     *char     15          /* NetServer DomainName */
   dcl   &TextDesc    *char     50          /* NetServer TextDescription */
   dcl   &NSDate      *char     13          /* NetServer start date */
   dcl   &X00         *char      1  value( x'00' )

   dcl   &a_pos       *char      4          /* Data Start Pos.-Binary */
   dcl   &InfoQual    *char     15  value( '*ALL           ' )

/* Create a *usrspc to work with... */

   call  QUSCRTUS         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            'TMPLST    '            +
                            x'00001000'             +
                            X'00'                   +
                            '*ALL      '            +
                            'Temporary IFS space    ' +
                            '*YES      '            +
                            x'0000000000000000'     +

/* List NetServer status info into our *usrspc... */

   call  QZLSLSTI         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            'ZLSL0201'              +
                            &InfoQual               +
                            x'0000000000000000'     +

/* Get the starting position of the list from the header... */

   call  QUSRTVUS         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            x'0000007D'             +
                            x'00000004'             +
                            &a_pos                  +

/* NetServer ServerName is at offset 68 into the list... */

   chgvar     %bin( &a_pos )     ( %bin( &a_pos ) + 68 + 1 )

/* Get the NetServer ServerName from the *usrspc... */

   call  QUSRTVUS         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            &a_pos                  +
      /* len(15) */         x'0000000F'             +
                            &NSName                 +

/* NetServer DomainName is at offset 98 into the list... */

   chgvar     %bin( &a_pos )     ( %bin( &a_pos ) + 30 )

/* Get the NetServer DomainName from the *usrspc... */

   call  QUSRTVUS         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            &a_pos                  +
      /* len(15) */         x'0000000F'             +
                            &DomName                +

/* NetServer TextDesc is at offset 128 into the list... */

   chgvar     %bin( &a_pos )     ( %bin( &a_pos ) + 30 )

/* Get the NetServer TextDesc from the *usrspc... */

   call  QUSRTVUS         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            &a_pos                  +
      /* len(50) */         x'00000032'             +
                            &TextDesc               +

/* Display NetServer properties... */

   sndusrmsg  ( 'NetServer ServerName:' *bcat &NSName)  tomsgq( *EXT )
   sndusrmsg  ( 'NetServer DomainName:' *bcat &DomName)  tomsgq( *EXT )
   sndusrmsg  ( 'NetServer TextDesc:' *bcat &TextDesc)  tomsgq( *EXT )

/* Create a *usrspc to work with... */

   call  QUSCRTUS         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            'TMPLST    '            +
                            x'00001000'             +
                            X'00'                   +
                            '*ALL      '            +
                            'Temporary IFS space    ' +
                            '*YES      '            +
                            x'0000000000000000'     +

/* List NetServer status info into our *usrspc... */

   call  QZLSLSTI         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            'ZLSL0400'              +
                            &InfoQual               +
                            x'0000000000000000'     +

/* Get the starting position of the list from the header... */

   call  QUSRTVUS         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            x'0000007D'             +
                            x'00000004'             +
                            &a_pos                  +

/* NetServer ServerName is at offset 68 into the list... */

   chgvar     %bin( &a_pos )     ( %bin( &a_pos ) + 60 + 1 )

/* Get the NetServer ServerName from the *usrspc... */

   call  QUSRTVUS         ( +
                            'NETS      QTEMP     '  +
                            &a_pos                  +
      /* len(13) */         x'0000000D'             +
                            &NSDate                 +

/* Display NetServer properties... */

   sndusrmsg  ( 'NetServer Start date:' *bcat &NSDate)  tomsgq( *EXT )

/* If the StartDate is binary zeroes, then NetServer isn't started.. */

  if   ( %sst( &NSDate 1 1 ) *eq &X00 )         do
       sndpgmmsg  'NetServer is NOT active.'  topgmq( *EXT )

/* ..otherwise NetServer is stareted...                              */
  else do
   sndpgmmsg  'NetServer IS active.    '  topgmq( *EXT )



Display as following:
                          Display Program Messages                         
NetServer ServerName: QS65B04CB                                            
NetServer DomainName: S65B04CB                                             
NetServer TextDesc: iSeries                                                
NetServer Start date: 1070129040437                                        
NetServer IS active.                                                       
Press Enter to continue.                                                   
F3=Exit   F12=Cancel                                                       

