星期二, 10月 31, 2023

2001-09-14 如何於 RPG 中檢核使用者密碼?

如何於 RPG 中檢核使用者密碼?

檢核使用者密碼的程序 VRYUSRPWD

Type   : RPGLE

      *  ===================================================================
      *  = Service Program... VRYUSRPWD                                    =
      *  = Description....... Verify User Password                         =
      *  =                                                                 =
      *  = Compile........... CrtRPGMod Module(YourLib/VRYUSRPWD)          =
      *  =                              SrcFile(YourLib/YourSrcFile)       =
      *  ===================================================================

     H NoMain

      *  ===================================================================
      *  = Prototypes                                                      =
      *  ===================================================================

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - VfyUsrPwd - Veryify user password                               -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D VfyUsrPwd       PR             1N
     D                               10    Value
     D                               10    Value
     D                              272    Options( *NoPass )

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - GetProfileHdl - Get profile handle API                          -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D GetProfileHdl   PR                  ExtPgm( 'QSYGETPH' )
     D                               10
     D                               10
     D                               12
     D                              272

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - RlsProfileHdl - Release profile handle API                      -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D RlsProfileHdl   PR                  ExtPgm( 'QSYRLSPH' )
     D                               12
     D                              272

      *  ===================================================================
      *  = Procedure..... VfyUsrPwd                                        =
      *  = Description... Verify user password                             =
      *  ===================================================================

     P VfyUsrPwd       B                   Export
     D                 PI             1N
     D  UsrPrf                       10    Value
     D  Password                     10    Value
     D  APIError                    272    Options( *NoPass )

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Data definitions                                                -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D  Hdl            S             12

     D NoAPIError      C                   Const( *Zero )
     D APIErrorPassed  S              1N

     D APIErrorDS      DS
     D  BytesProvided                10I 0 Inz( %Size( APIErrorDS ) )
     D  BytesAvail                   10I 0 Inz( *Zero )
     D  MsgID                         7    Inz( *Blanks )
     D  Reserved                      1    Inz( X'00' )
     D  MsgDta                      256    Inz( *Blanks )

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Determine whether API error parameter was passed                -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     C                   If        %Parms > 2
     C                   Eval      APIErrorPassed = *On
     C                   EndIf

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Retrieve profile handle                                         -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     C                   Reset                   APIErrorDS

     C                   CallP     GetProfileHdl(
     C                                            UsrPrf     :
     C                                            Password   :
     C                                            Hdl        :
     C                                            APIErrorDS
     C                                          )

     C                   If        BytesAvail <> NoAPIError
     C                   ExSr      ReturnError
     C                   EndIf

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Release profile handle                                          -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     C                   Reset                   APIErrorDS

     C                   CallP     RLSProfileHdl( 
     C                                            Hdl        :
     C                                            APIErrorDS
     C                                          )

     C                   If        BytesAvail <> NoAPIError
     C                   ExSr      ReturnError
     C                   EndIf

     C                   Return    *Off

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Subroutine.... ReturnError                                      -
      *  - Description... Return error condition to caller                 -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     C     ReturnError   BegSr

     C                   If        APIErrorPassed
     C                   Eval      APIError = APIErrorDS
     C                   EndIf

     C                   Return    *On

     C                   EndSr

     P VfyUsrPwd       E



Type   : RPGLE
Usage  : 此範例程式包含三種呼叫方式,可擇一使用,
         確認密碼程序  VRYUSRPWD 以檢核使用者密碼輸入正確與否。

      *  ===================================================================
      *  = Program....... VRYUSRPWDT                                       =
      *  = Description... Sample demonstrating use of procedure            =
      *  =                VRYUSRPWD in applications                        =
      *  =                                                                 =
      *  = Compile....... CrtRPGMod Module(YourLib/VRYUSRPWDT)             =
      *  =                          SrcFile(YourLib/YourSrcFile)           =
      *  =                CrtPgm    Pgm(YourLib/VRYUSRPWDT)                =
      *  =                          Module(YourLib/VRYUSRPWDT VRYUSRPWD)   =
      *  =                          ActGrp(*New)                           =
      *  ===================================================================

     D VfyUsrPwd       PR             1N
     D                               10    Value
     D                               10    Value
     D                              272    Options( *NoPass )

     D UsrPrf          S              8
     D Password        S             10
     D RtnCode         S              1N

     D PSDS           SDS
     D  User                 254    263

     D APIErrorDS      DS
     D  BytesProvided                10I 0 Inz( %Size( APIErrorDS ) )
     D  BytesAvail                   10I 0 Inz( *Zero )
     D  MsgID                         7    Inz( *Blanks )
     D  Reserved                      1    Inz( X'00' )
     D  MsgDta                      256    Inz( *Blanks )

     C                   Eval      UsrPrf = User

      * call method 1 without API Error Structure
     C                   Eval      RtnCode = VfyUsrPwd(
     C                                                  UsrPrf   :
     C                                                  Password
     C                                                )

      * call method 2 with API Error Structure
     C                   Eval      RtnCode = VfyUsrPwd(
     C                                                  UsrPrf     :
     C                                                  Password   :
     C                                                  APIErrorDS
     C                                                )

      * call method 3 use procedure
     C                   If        VfyUsrPwd(
     C                                        UsrPrf     :
     C                                        Password   :
     C                                        APIErrorDS
     C                                      )

      * Insert error handling code for failed verification

     C                   EndIf

     C                   Eval      *InLr = *On



檢核使用者密碼程序所使用的 API

1. Get Profile Handle (QSYGETPH)

   This API obtains a profile handle.

   You can find documentation for API QSYGETPH at


2. Release Profile Handle (QSYRLSPH)

   This API releases a profile handle.

   You can find documentation for API QSYRLSPH at

