星期二, 10月 31, 2023

2000-03-08 如何在 AS/400 製作 UIM Menu?

如何在 AS/400 製作 UIM Menu?

AS/400 Menu 有用 DDS 格式指令撰寫, 有用 STRSDA 工具撰寫或利用
UIM 語法撰寫, AS/400 系統畫面均是 UIM Menu, 以上三種都要經過編譯才
能使用。在此提供一個 Sample 給大家參考.

.* ********************************************************************
.*     Menu - UIMMENU - UIM sample menu
.* ********************************************************************
:COPYR.(C) Copyright 2000, VC Development.

.* --------------------------------------------------------------------
.* Declare variables
:VAR   NAME=zlmtcpb.
:VAR   NAME=zmenu.

.* --------------------------------------------------------------------
.* Declare conditions
:COND   NAME=secofr      EXPR='chkusrcls("*SECOFR")'.
:COND   NAME=notsecofr   EXPR='*NOT(chkusrcls("*SECOFR"))'.
:COND   NAME=cmdlineok   EXPR='*NOT(zlmtcpb="*YES")'.

.* --------------------------------------------------------------------
.* Declare menu keys
:KEYL   NAME=menukeys   HELP=keylist.

:KEYI   KEY=F1      ACTION=help           HELP=f1help.
:KEYI   KEY=F3      ACTION='exit set'     HELP=f3exit.F3=Exit
:KEYI   KEY=F9      ACTION=cmdline        COND=cmdlineok
        HELP=f9command.F9=Command line
:KEYI   KEY=F12     ACTION='cancel set'   HELP=f12cancel.F12=Cancel
:KEYI   KEY=HELP    ACTION=help           HELP=empty.
:KEYI   KEY=ENTER   ACTION=enter          HELP=empty.

.* --------------------------------------------------------------------
.* Describe menu
:PANEL   NAME=uimmenu   HELP=menuhelp   KEYL=menukeys
         PANELID=zmenu  ENTER='MSG CPD9818 QCPFMSG'
         TOPSEP=sysnam.UIM Menu Samples
:MENU    DEPTH='*'      BOTSEP=space    SCROLL=no.
:TOPINST.Select one of the following:

.* --------------------------------------------------------------------
.* Describe menu options

.* 1. Work with spooled files -----------------------------------------
:MENUI   OPTION=1    ACTION='CMD wrksplf'
         HELP=wrksplf.Work with spooled files

.* 2. Work with submitted jobs ----------------------------------------
:MENUI   OPTION=2    ACTION='CMD wrksbmjob'
         HELP=wrksbmjob.Work with submitted jobs

.* 3. Display messages ------------------------------------------------
:MENUI   OPTION=3    ACTION='CMD dspmsg'
         HELP=DSPMSG.Display messages

.* 4. Display system operator messages --------------------------------
  :MENUI   OPTION=4    ACTION='CMD dspmsg qsysopr'
         HELP='dspmsg/qsysopr'.Display system operator messages

.* 5. Work with user profiles/Change your password --------------------
:MENUI   OPTION=5    COND=secofr      ACTION='CMD wrkusrprf *all'
         HELP='wrkusrprf/all'.Work with user profiles
:MENUI   OPTION=5    COND=notsecofr   ACTION='CMD chgpwd'
         HELP='chgpwd'.Change your password

.* 90. Sign off -------------------------------------------------------
:MENUI   OPTION=90   ACTION='CMD signoff'
         HELP=signoff.Sign off

.* --------------------------------------------------------------------
.* End menu description

.* --------------------------------------------------------------------
.* Help panels

.* Function keys ------------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=keylist.Function Keys - Help
:XH3.Function keys

.* F1=Help ------------------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=f1help.
:PD.Provides additional information about using the display
or a specific field on the display.
Pressing the Help key also invokes the help function.
To see help for a specific menu option, type the menu option, then
press F1 or Help.

.* F3=Exit ------------------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=f3exit.
:PD.Ends the current task and returns to the display from which the
task was started.

.* F9=Command line ----------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=f9command.
:PT.F9=Command line
:PD.Displays a windowed command line which you can use to enter AS/400
system commands.

.* F12=Cancel ---------------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=f12cancel.
:PD.Returns to the previous menu or display.

.* Empty help ---------------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=empty.

.* General help -------------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=menuhelp.N3X Menu - Help
:P.The N3X menu allows you to do a number of personalized tasks.

.* 1. Work with spooled files -----------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=wrksplf.Work with spooled files - Help
:XH3.Option 1. Work with spooled files
:P.Select this option to display a list of all your spooled files.
You can choose to change, hold, delete, display, or release any or all
of the entries that are displayed.

.* 2. Work with submitted jobs ----------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=wrksbmjob.Work with submitted jobs - Help
:XH3.Option 2. Work with submitted jobs
:P.Select this option to display a list of all your submitted jobs.
You can choose to change, hold, end, work with, or release any or all
of the entries that are displayed.
You can also display messages for the jobs on the list or work with
spooled files for the jobs on the list.

.* 3. Display messages ------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=dspmsg.Display messages - Help
:XH3.Option 3. Display messages
:P.Select this option to display messages received at your workstation
message queue and/or your user profile message queue.

.* 4. Display system operator messages --------------------------------
:HELP NAME='dspmsg/qsysopr'.Display system operator messages - Help
:XH3.Option 4. Display system operator messages
:P.Select this option to display messages received at the QSYSOPR
  message queue.

.* 5. Work with user profiles -----------------------------------------
:HELP NAME='wrkusrprf/all'.Work with user profiles - Help
:XH3.Option 5. Work with user profiles
:P.Select this option to display a list of all user profiles on your
You can choose to create a new profile, as well as to change, copy,
delete, display, or work with objects owned by any or all of the
profiles that are displayed.

.* 5. Change your password --------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME='chgpwd'.Change your password - Help
:XH3.Option 5. Change your password
:P.Select this option to change your password.

.* 90. Sign off -------------------------------------------------------
:HELP NAME=signoff.Sign off - Help
:XH3.Option 90. Sign off
:P.Select this option to end your interactive job.


若欲更深入 UIM 語法撰寫請見
Application Display Programming V6R1--SC41-5715-02
Chapter 16.  Introduction to the User Interface Manager
