星期二, 10月 31, 2023

2000-03-07 如何在 AS/400 製作萬年曆?

如何在 AS/400 製作萬年曆?


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*                               Readme                                *
*        Midrange Computing Programs Associated With Article          *
*                                                                     *   
*                     The Pop-up Calendar Window                      *
*                                                                     *
*                  Published in the  Sept 1998 Issue                  *

*****   subroutine: "Browse"     ***********************************            
 *****   perform browse/prompt function   ***************************            
C     Browse        begsr                                                        
 * find and set cursor location so cursor will stay at same position when        
 *  screen is redisplayed                                                        
c     Bin           div       256           CsrRow                               
c                   mvr                     CsrCol                               
c                   eval      *in77 = *on                                        
 * if prompt was requested on a "prompt capable" field, get window               
c                   Select                                                       
c                   when      csrfld = 'PRINTER'                                 
c                   call      'WIN001RG'                                       
c                   parm      *blanks       ReturnCode                           
c                   parm      csrfld        FileName                     
c                   parm      *blanks       PassCode                     
c                   if        ReturnCode = '50'                          
c                   movel     PassCode      Printer                      
c                   endif    
 * browse date fields                                               
c                   when      csrfld = 'FROMDATE' or                
c                             csrfld = 'TODATE'                     
c                   call      'CAL001RG'                            
c                   parm      *blanks       ReturnCode              
c                   parm      *zeros        PassDate          6 0
c                   if        ReturnCode = '50'                     
c                   if        CsrFld = 'FROMDATE'                   
c                   movel     PassDate      FromDate                
c                   endif                                           
c                   if        CsrFld = 'TODATE'                     
c                   movel     PassDate      ToDate                  
c                   endif                                           
c                   endif                                           
c                   endsl                                           
csr                 endsr                                                                                 

      * To compile:
     A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3) CHGINPDFT
     A                                      CA03 CA12
     A          R WINDOW
     A                                      WINDOW(9 45 12 30 *NOMSGLIN *NORSTC-
     A                                      SR)
     A                                      ROLLUP(95)
     A                                      ROLLDOWN(96)
     A            HEADING       30A  O  1  1DSPATR(HI)
     A                                      COLOR(RED)
     A                                  3  1' Sun Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri Sat'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A            WEEK1         30A  O  4  1
     A            WEEK2         30A  O  5  1
     A            WEEK3         30A  O  6  1
     A            WEEK4         30A  O  7  1
     A            WEEK5         30A  O  8  1
     A            WEEK6         30A  O  9  1
     A                                 10  2'Key date, press Enter.....'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            KEYDAY         2Y 0B 10 29DSPATR(HI)
     A                                      CHECK(RZ)
     A  41                                  DSPATR(PC)
     A  41                                  ERRMSG('The day you have keyed is n-
     A                                      ot valid')
     A                                 12  1'F3=Exit'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                 12  9'F12=Previous'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                 12 22'Page keys'
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A          R DUMMY
     A                                      KEEP
     A                                      ASSUME
     A                                  1  3' '

      * To compile:
     fCAL001DF  cf   e             workstn
      * Month labels
     d Mnt             s             11    dim(12) ctdata perrcd(6)
      * Weeks
     d Wk0             s              4    dim(7)
     d                 ds
     d  Week                   1    180    dim(6)
     d   Week1                 1     30
     d   Week2                31     60
     d   Week3                61     90
     d   Week4                91    120
     d   Week5               121    150
     d   Week6               151    180
     d                 ds                  inz
     d Maxdate                 1     10d   datfmt(*iso)
     d  Maxday                 9     10  0
     d                 ds                  inz
     d InDate                  1     10d   datfmt(*iso)
     d  InYear                 1      4  0
     d  InMonth                6      7  0
     d  InDay                  9     10  0
     d                 ds                  inz
     d WorkDate                1     10d   datfmt(*iso)
     d  WorkDay                9     10  0
     d BaseDate        s               d   inz(d'1901-01-01')
     d Daylit          s              2
     d HoldYr          s              4
     d I               s              2  0
     d PassDate        s              6  0
     d ReturnCode      s              2
     d Tempfield       s              7  0
     d Today           s               d   datfmt(*usa)
     d Wk              s              1  0
     d X               s              3  0
     d Y               s              3  0
     d High            c                   const(x'22')
     d Normal          c                   const(x'20')

     c     *entry        plist
     c                   parm                    ReturnCode
     c                   parm                    PassDate
      * Establish todays date
     c     *USA          move      *DATE         Today
      * Begin browse with date passed in, if available
     c     *YMD          test(d)                 PassDate               68
     c                   if        *in68 = *off
     c     *YMD          move      PassDate      Indate
     c                   else
     c                   move      Today         Indate
     c                   endif
      * Processing Loop
     c                   dou       *inKC = *on
     c                   exsr      Calendar
     c                   exfmt     Window
     c                   eval      *in41 = *off
      * EOJ
     c                   select
     c                   when      *inKC = *on
     c                   move      *zeros        PassDate
     c                   move      '03'          ReturnCode
     c                   goto      End

      * Previous
     c                   when      *inKL = *on
     c                   move      *zeros        PassDate
     c                   move      '12'          ReturnCode
     c                   goto      End
     c                   endsl
      * Page Down
     c                   if        *in95 = *on
     c                   Adddur    1:*M          InDate
     c                   exsr      Calendar
     c                   iter
     c                   endif
      * Page Up
     c                   if        *in96 = *on
     c                   Subdur    1:*M          InDate
     c                   exsr      Calendar
     c                   iter
     c                   endif
      * Invalid day keyed
     c                   if        Keyday < 01
     c                             or Keyday > Maxday
     c                   eval      *in41 = *on
     c                   iter
     c                   endif

      * Fall through with correct date
     c                   move      KeyDay        InDay
     c     *mdy          move      InDate        PassDate
     c                   move      '50'          ReturnCode
     c                   leave
     c                   enddo
     c     End           tag
     c                   eval      *inlr = *on
      *****   subroutine: "Calendar" *************************************
      ***  display calendar for change of date  **************************
     csr   Calendar      begsr
      * Build Heading
     c                   move      Inyear        HoldYr
     c                   Eval      Heading = '         ' +
     c                             %trim(Mnt(InMonth)) + ' ' +
     c                             HoldYr
      * Find maximum date for current month
     c     InDate        AddDur    1:*M          MaxDate
     c                   Eval      MaxDay = 01
     c                   SubDur    1:*D          MaxDate
     c                   move      InDate        WorkDate
     c                   clear                   Week
     c                   clear                   Wk0
     c                   eval      Y = 1
     c     1             do        MaxDay        X
     c                   eval      Workday = X
     c                   if        X = 1
     c                   exsr      Dowsr
     c                   endif
     c                   move      X             Daylit
     c                   if        X < 10
     c                   movel     ' '           Daylit
     c                   endif
     c                   move      Daylit        Wk0(i)
     c                   movel     Normal        Wk0(i)
     c                   if        WorkDate = Today
     c                   movel     High          Wk0(i)
     c                   endif
     c                   if        I = 7
     c                   movea     Wk0           Week(y)
     c                   move      *blanks       Wk0
     c                   eval      Y = Y + 1
     c                   eval      I = *zeros
     c                   endif
     c                   eval      I = I + 1
     c                   enddo
     c                   movel     Normal        Wk0(i)
     c                   movea     Wk0           Week(y)
     csr                 endsr
      *****   subroutine: "dowsr"   **************************************
      ***  calculate day of the week from month/day/year  ****************
     csr   Dowsr         begsr
      * Find day of the week...
      * When index = 0, the day is Tuesday
      * When index = 1, the day is Wednesday, and so on...
     c     WorkDate      SubDur    Basedate      Tempfield:*D
     c                   Div       7             Tempfield
     c                   mvr                     I
     c                   Eval      I = (I + 3)
     c                   If        I > 7
     c                   Eval      I = (I - 7)
     c                   EndIf
     csr                 endsr
 January    February   March      April      May        June
 July       August     September  October    November   December
