星期二, 10月 31, 2023

2001-09-24 如何於 RPG 中取得 Member 的Text Description 及其他相關資訊?(使用 API QUSRMBRD)

如何於 RPG 中取得 Member 的Text Description 及其他相關資訊?(使用 API QUSRMBRD)

Type   : RPGLE


     D SrcChanged      PR            13P 0
     D   peSrcFile                   10A   const
     D   peSrcLib                    10A   const
     D   peSrcMbr                    10A   const

     D RtnNBR          S             13P 0

     C                   Eval        RtnNBR = SrcChanged('QRPGLESRC' :
     C                                          'CHANCY'    :
     C                                          'RTVMBRDR'   )

     C                   Eval      *InLr = *On

     P SrcChanged      B
     D SrcChanged      PI            13P 0
     D   peSrcFile                   10A   const
     D   peSrcLib                    10A   const
     D   peSrcMbr                    10A   const

     D dsEC            DS
     D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 Inz(256)
     D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 Inz(0)
     D  dsECMsgID              9     15
     D  dsECReserv            16     16
     D  dsECMsgDta            17    256

     D RtvMbrD         PR                  ExtPgm('QUSRMBRD')
     D   RcvVar                       1A
     D   RcvVarLen                   10I 0 Const
     D   Format                       8A   Const
     D   QualDBF                     20A   Const
     D   Member                      10A   Const
     D   UseOvrDbf                    1A   Const
     D   ErrorCode                    1A

     D dsSM            ds
     D   dsSMBytRtn                  10I 0
     D   dsSMBytAvl                  10I 0
     D   dsSMFilNam                  10A
     D   dsSMFilLib                  10A
     D   dsSMFilMbr                  10A
     D   dsSMFilAtr                  10A
     D   dsSMSrcTyp                  10A
     D   dsSMCrtDat                  13A
     D   dsSMChgDat                  13A
     D   dsSMText                    50A
     D   dsSMSrcFil                   1A

     D wkReturn        s             13P 0

     C                   callp     RtvMbrD(dsSM: %size(dsSM): 'MBRD0100':
     C                             (peSrcFile+peSrcLib):peSrcMbr: '0': dsEC)

     c                   if        dsECBytesA>0
     c                   return    -1
     c                   endif

     c                   testn                   dsSMChgDat           99
     c                   if        *in99 = *off
     c                   return    -2
     c                   endif

     c                   Dsply                   dsSMText
     c                   Dsply                   dsSMChgDat
     c                   move      dsSMChgDat    wkReturn
     c                   return    wkReturn
     P                 E


	Retrieve Member Description (QUSRMBRD) API


2001-09-14 如何於 RPG 中檢核使用者密碼?

如何於 RPG 中檢核使用者密碼?

檢核使用者密碼的程序 VRYUSRPWD

Type   : RPGLE

      *  ===================================================================
      *  = Service Program... VRYUSRPWD                                    =
      *  = Description....... Verify User Password                         =
      *  =                                                                 =
      *  = Compile........... CrtRPGMod Module(YourLib/VRYUSRPWD)          =
      *  =                              SrcFile(YourLib/YourSrcFile)       =
      *  ===================================================================

     H NoMain

      *  ===================================================================
      *  = Prototypes                                                      =
      *  ===================================================================

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - VfyUsrPwd - Veryify user password                               -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D VfyUsrPwd       PR             1N
     D                               10    Value
     D                               10    Value
     D                              272    Options( *NoPass )

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - GetProfileHdl - Get profile handle API                          -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D GetProfileHdl   PR                  ExtPgm( 'QSYGETPH' )
     D                               10
     D                               10
     D                               12
     D                              272

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - RlsProfileHdl - Release profile handle API                      -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D RlsProfileHdl   PR                  ExtPgm( 'QSYRLSPH' )
     D                               12
     D                              272

      *  ===================================================================
      *  = Procedure..... VfyUsrPwd                                        =
      *  = Description... Verify user password                             =
      *  ===================================================================

     P VfyUsrPwd       B                   Export
     D                 PI             1N
     D  UsrPrf                       10    Value
     D  Password                     10    Value
     D  APIError                    272    Options( *NoPass )

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Data definitions                                                -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     D  Hdl            S             12

     D NoAPIError      C                   Const( *Zero )
     D APIErrorPassed  S              1N

     D APIErrorDS      DS
     D  BytesProvided                10I 0 Inz( %Size( APIErrorDS ) )
     D  BytesAvail                   10I 0 Inz( *Zero )
     D  MsgID                         7    Inz( *Blanks )
     D  Reserved                      1    Inz( X'00' )
     D  MsgDta                      256    Inz( *Blanks )

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Determine whether API error parameter was passed                -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     C                   If        %Parms > 2
     C                   Eval      APIErrorPassed = *On
     C                   EndIf

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Retrieve profile handle                                         -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     C                   Reset                   APIErrorDS

     C                   CallP     GetProfileHdl(
     C                                            UsrPrf     :
     C                                            Password   :
     C                                            Hdl        :
     C                                            APIErrorDS
     C                                          )

     C                   If        BytesAvail <> NoAPIError
     C                   ExSr      ReturnError
     C                   EndIf

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Release profile handle                                          -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     C                   Reset                   APIErrorDS

     C                   CallP     RLSProfileHdl( 
     C                                            Hdl        :
     C                                            APIErrorDS
     C                                          )

     C                   If        BytesAvail <> NoAPIError
     C                   ExSr      ReturnError
     C                   EndIf

     C                   Return    *Off

      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------
      *  - Subroutine.... ReturnError                                      -
      *  - Description... Return error condition to caller                 -
      *  -------------------------------------------------------------------

     C     ReturnError   BegSr

     C                   If        APIErrorPassed
     C                   Eval      APIError = APIErrorDS
     C                   EndIf

     C                   Return    *On

     C                   EndSr

     P VfyUsrPwd       E



Type   : RPGLE
Usage  : 此範例程式包含三種呼叫方式,可擇一使用,
         確認密碼程序  VRYUSRPWD 以檢核使用者密碼輸入正確與否。

      *  ===================================================================
      *  = Program....... VRYUSRPWDT                                       =
      *  = Description... Sample demonstrating use of procedure            =
      *  =                VRYUSRPWD in applications                        =
      *  =                                                                 =
      *  = Compile....... CrtRPGMod Module(YourLib/VRYUSRPWDT)             =
      *  =                          SrcFile(YourLib/YourSrcFile)           =
      *  =                CrtPgm    Pgm(YourLib/VRYUSRPWDT)                =
      *  =                          Module(YourLib/VRYUSRPWDT VRYUSRPWD)   =
      *  =                          ActGrp(*New)                           =
      *  ===================================================================

     D VfyUsrPwd       PR             1N
     D                               10    Value
     D                               10    Value
     D                              272    Options( *NoPass )

     D UsrPrf          S              8
     D Password        S             10
     D RtnCode         S              1N

     D PSDS           SDS
     D  User                 254    263

     D APIErrorDS      DS
     D  BytesProvided                10I 0 Inz( %Size( APIErrorDS ) )
     D  BytesAvail                   10I 0 Inz( *Zero )
     D  MsgID                         7    Inz( *Blanks )
     D  Reserved                      1    Inz( X'00' )
     D  MsgDta                      256    Inz( *Blanks )

     C                   Eval      UsrPrf = User

      * call method 1 without API Error Structure
     C                   Eval      RtnCode = VfyUsrPwd(
     C                                                  UsrPrf   :
     C                                                  Password
     C                                                )

      * call method 2 with API Error Structure
     C                   Eval      RtnCode = VfyUsrPwd(
     C                                                  UsrPrf     :
     C                                                  Password   :
     C                                                  APIErrorDS
     C                                                )

      * call method 3 use procedure
     C                   If        VfyUsrPwd(
     C                                        UsrPrf     :
     C                                        Password   :
     C                                        APIErrorDS
     C                                      )

      * Insert error handling code for failed verification

     C                   EndIf

     C                   Eval      *InLr = *On



檢核使用者密碼程序所使用的 API

1. Get Profile Handle (QSYGETPH)

   This API obtains a profile handle.

   You can find documentation for API QSYGETPH at


2. Release Profile Handle (QSYRLSPH)

   This API releases a profile handle.

   You can find documentation for API QSYRLSPH at


2001-09-03 如何將 10 進位數字轉換成 16 進位文字輸出?(C function sprintf)

如何將 10 進位數字轉換成 16 進位文字輸出?(C function sprintf)	

1. 例如 RGB 顏色碼 10 進位數字為 : (128:255:192) 轉換為 16 進位文字輸出 (80:FF:C0)

2. 呼叫 C 函數 "sprintf" 是最快的方式,呼叫方式如下:

    int sprintf( char *buffer, const char *format [, argument] ...);


Type   : RPGLE
         Call SPRINTFR

     H DftActGrp(*No) BndDir('QC2LE')
     D  nRed           S              5I 0 INZ(128)
     D  nGreen         S              5I 0 INZ(255)
     D  nBlue          S              5I 0 INZ(192)
     D sprintf3        PR            10I 0 ExtProc('sprintf')
     D  szRecvVar                      *   VALUE
     D  szFormat                       *   VALUE Options(*STRING)
     D  Red                          10I 0 Value Options(*NoPass)
     D  Green                        10I 0 Value Options(*NoPass)
     D  Blue                         10I 0 Value Options(*NoPass)
     D szBuffer        S             20A
     D szColor         S            256A
     D pColor          S               *
     C                   Eval      pColor  = %addr(szColor)
     C                   CallP     sprintf3(pColor : '%X:%X:%X' :
     C                               nRed:nGreen:nBlue )
     C                   Eval      szBuffer = %str(pColor)
     C     szBuffer      Dsply
     C                   MOVE      *ON           *INLR

2001-08-30 如何於 RPG 中將畫面文字性欄位值向右靠?

如何於 RPG 中將畫面文字性欄位值向右靠?


1.於 RPGIV 中,V4R4 可使用 EVALR opcode ;

2. 於 RPGIII 或 V4R3以下之 RPGIV 中可使用下列 4 行程式碼,
假設有一欄位長度 8,要注意第四行數字 9 為欄位長 + 1,


     C                     MOVE '1234    'FIELD   8                
     C           'FIELD'   DSPLY          FIELD                    
     C           ' '       SCAN FIELD     X       20     99        
     C           9         SUB  X         Y       10               
     C                     CAT  FIELD:Y   RESET   8 P              
     C                     MOVE RESET     FIELD     P              
     C           'FIELD'   DSPLY          FIELD                    
     C                     MOVE '1'       *INLR                    


     C                   MOVE      '1234    '    FIELD             8        
     C     'FIELD'       DSPLY                   FIELD                      
     C     ' '           SCAN      FIELD         X                 2 0    99
     C     9             SUB       X             Y                 1 0      
     C                   CAT(P)    FIELD:Y       RESET             8        
     C                   MOVE(P)   RESET         FIELD                      
     C     'FIELD'       DSPLY                   FIELD                      
     C                   MOVE      '1'           *INLR                      


2001-08-30 如何於 RPG 中做到 Recursive Call 的功能?

 如何於 RPG 中做到 Recursive Call 的功能?

Recursive Call Driver UTRCPGM

Type  : RPGLE
Note  : Recursive Call Driver 

      *  Program UTRCPGM

     D #cmd            S            256A
     D #Num_Pgm        S              2S 0
      * Program Name
     D PgmDS           DS
     D   #Char1                       1    inz('@')
     D   #Chr_Pgm                     2
     D   #1st_Name                    7
      * Prototypes
      * OS/400 commands
     D command         PR                  EXTPGM('QCMDEXC')
     D   @cmd                       256A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
     D                                     CONST
     D   @cmdlen                     15P 5 CONST
      * Program Parameters
     C     *ENTRY        PLIST
     C                   Parm                    @Program         10
     C                   parm                    @Library         10
      *               Main Program
      * If program name is not specified, ends program
     C                   if        @Program = *BLANKS
     C                   eval      *inlr = *ON

     C                   else
      * If program does not exist in library QTEMP, it must be the original
      * program who's going to call itself for the first time
     C                   exsr      ChkObj

     C                   if        %ERROR
     C                   eval      #Num_Pgm = 0
     C                   eval      #1st_Name = %SUBST(@Program : 1 : 7)

     C                   else
      * If program exists in library QTEMP, it must be already a
      * duplication of the original program; another copy has to be made
     C                   eval      #Chr_Pgm = %SUBST(@Program : 2 : 2)
     C                   move      #Chr_Pgm      #Num_Pgm
     C                   eval      #Num_Pgm = #Num_Pgm + 1
     C                   endif

     C                   move      #Num_Pgm      #Chr_Pgm

     C                   exsr      ChkObj

     C                   if        %ERROR
     C                   exsr      CrtDupObj
     C                   endif
      * If program already exists in library QTEMP or if it has been
      * sucessfully duplicated, returns name and location of that copy
      * of the program
     C                   if        NOT %ERROR
     C                   eval      @Program = PgmDs
     C                   eval      @Library = 'QTEMP'
     C                   endif

     C                   endif

     C                   return

      *                  SUBROTINES
      * Check the existence of the specified object
     C     ChkObj        BEGSR

     C                   eval      #cmd = 'CHKOBJ OBJ(QTEMP/' +
     C                                     %TRIMR(PgmDS) + ') OBJTYPE(*PGM)'

     C                   callp (e) command( #cmd : %LEN(%TRIMR(#cmd)) )

     C                   ENDSR
      * Create duplicate object
     C     CrtDupObj     BEGSR

     C                   eval      #cmd = 'CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(' + %TRIM(@PROGRAM)
     C                                        ') FROMLIB(' + %TRIM(@LIBRARY)
     C                                ') OBJTYPE(*PGM) TOLIB(QTEMP) NEWOBJ('
     C                                    %TRIM(PgmDS) + ')'

     C                   callp (e) command( #cmd : %LEN(%TRIMR(#cmd)) )

     C                   ENDSR

Type  : RPGLE
Note  : Factorial Demo 

      * Program UTRKFACT

      *    n! = 1             for n = 0
      *    n! = n (n - 1)!    for n > 0
      * Variables and Data Structures
     D RecursCall      S             21
     D                SDS
     D  $$Library             81     90
     D  $$Program            334    343
      * Program Parameters
     C     *ENTRY        plist
     C                   parm                    @Argument         3 0
     C                   parm                    @Factorial       30 0
     C                   parm                    @Error            3 0
      *               Main Program
     C                   eval      @Error = 0
      * 0! = 1 ; 1! = 1 x 0! = 1
     C                   if        @Argument <= 1
     C                   eval      @Factorial = 1

     C                   else
      * If new copy of this program could not be created, returns n
      * else calculates n!
     C                   call (e)  'UTRCPGM'
     C                   parm      $$Program     @Program         10
     C                   parm      $$Library     @Library         10

     C                   if        @Program = $$Program and @Library = $$Lib
     C                   eval      @Error = @Argument
     C                   else
     C                   exsr      CalcFact
     C                   endif

     C                   endif

     C                   eval      *inlr = *ON
      * Closes program
     C                   call (e)  'UTRCPGM'
     C                   parm      *BLANKS       @Program
     C                   Parm                    @Library
      *                  SUBROUTINES
      * Calculates factorial of @Argument
     C     CalcFact      BEGSR
      * Calls newly created copy of this program to calculate (n - 1)!
     C                   eval      RecursCall = %TRIM(@Library) + '/'
     C                                        + %TRIM(@Program)

     C                   eval      @Argument2 = @Argument - 1

     C                   call (e)  RecursCall
     C                   parm                    @Argument2        3 0
     C                   parm      *ZEROS        @Factorial
     C                   parm      *ZEROS        @Error
      * If error occurred returns argument that originated the error
      * else returns n!
     C                   if        %ERROR
     C                   eval      @Error = @Argument
     C                   else
     C                   if        @Error = 0
     C                   eval      @Factorial = @Factorial * @Argument
     C                   endif
     C                   endif

     C                   ENDSR

Type  : RPGLE
Note  : Test Factorial Demo 


      * Calculates factorial of the number introduced by the user
      * until he presses F3
      * FILES
     FTestDFact CF   E             WORKSTN
      *               Main Program
     C                   exfmt (e) D$001
     C                   dow       NOT *in03
     C                   exsr      CalcFact
     C                   exfmt (e) D$001

     C                   enddo

     C                   eval      *inlr = *ON
      *                  SUBROTINES
      * Calculates factorial of n
     C     CalcFact      BEGSR

     C                   call (e)  'UTRKFACT'
     C                   parm      $Argument     @Argument         3 0
     C     $Factorial    parm      *ZEROS        @Factorial       30 0
     C                   parm      *ZEROS        @Error            3 0

     C                   eval      *in60 = (@Error <> 0)

     C                   ENDSR


Type  : DSPF
Note  : Test Factorial Demo 


     A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3)
     A          R D$001
     A*%%TS  SD  20010821  192931  ROLDAO      REL-V4R4M0  5769-PW1
     A                                      WINDOW(9 23 5 39 *NOMSGLIN)
     A                                      CA03(03 'Exit')
     A                                      BLINK
     A                                      FRCDTA
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A                                      PROTECT
     A            $ARGUMENT      2Y 0B  2  2RANGE(0 99)
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                      EDTWRD('0 ')
     A                                  2  5'! ='
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A            $FACTORIAL    30Y 0O  2  9DSPATR(HI)
     A                                      EDTCDE(Z)
     A                                  4  2'F3=Exit'
     A  60                              5  2'Error during calculations.'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A          R DUMMY                     ASSUME
     A                                  1  2' '








2001-08-23 如何於執行同一支 RPG 報表程式時,能動態的更改報表名稱?

如何於執行同一支 RPG 報表程式時,能動態的更改報表名稱?


辨別的報表名稱(Spooled File),即是執行 WRKSPLF (Work with Spooled Files)
指令畫面中的 File 欄位,系統的預設值是 *FILE,即是您程式中所開啟的報表
檔名(Printer File),若您的程式均是使用 QSYSPRT 為報表檔案,則系統中所產生的
報表檔案均為 QSYSPRT,您可使用如下方式將之區分開來:

WRKSPLF 指令畫面如下:
                          Work with All Spooled Files                          
 Type options, press Enter.                                                    
   1=Send   2=Change   3=Hold   4=Delete   5=Display   6=Release   7=Messages  
   8=Attributes        9=Work with printing status                             
                              Device or                     Total     Cur      
 Opt  File        User        Queue       User Data   Sts   Pages    Page  Copy
      QSYSPRT     CHANCY      QPRINT                  RDY       1             1
      QSYSPRT     CHANCY      QPRINT      統計表      RDY      11             1
      QSYSPRT     CHANCY      QPRINT      統計表      RDY      18             1
      QSYSPRT     CHANCY      QPRINT                  RDY      24             1
      QSYSPRT     CHANCY      QPRINT                  RDY       9             1
      QSYSPRT     CHANCY      QPRINT                  RDY       3             1
      QSYSPRT     CHANCY      QPRINT                  RDY       1             1
      TAIPEI      CHANCY      QPRINT      統計表      RDY       2             1
      QSYSPRT     CHANCY      QPRINT                  RDY       1             1
 Parameters for options 1, 2, 3 or command                                     
 F3=Exit   F10=View 4   F11=View 2   F12=Cancel   F22=Printers   F24=More keys 


--> 報表檔案名稱 QSYSPRT , 但可透過 User Data 欄位值辨別您的報表。

--> 報表檔案名稱 X123456 , 可透過 File 及 User Data 欄位值辨別您的報表。


OVRPRTF 指令可以在 CLP 及 RPG 中使用,

如 CLP:

如 RPG:

FQSYSPRT O   F     132            PRINTER                        UC
INAMCMD      DS                             60
I                                       50  59 NAME
I              'OVRPRTF             -C         OVRCMD
I              'FILE(QSYSPRT)       -
I              'SPLFNAME(          )'
C                     MOVELOVRCMD    NAMCMD
 * Assign first name ********************************************
C                     MOVEL'RPT01'   NAME
C                     Z-ADD60        CMDLEN 155
C                     CALL 'QCMDEXC'
C                     PARM           NAMCMD
C                     PARM           CMDLEN
C                     OPEN QSYSPRT
C                     EXCPTEX40
C                     CLOSEQSYSPRT
 * Assign second name ********************************************
C                     MOVEL'RPT02'   NAME
C                     Z-ADD60        CMDLEN 155
C                     CALL 'QCMDEXC'
C                     PARM           NAMCMD
C                     PARM           CMDLEN
C                     OPEN QSYSPRT
C                     EXCPTEX40
C                     CLOSEQSYSPRT
C                     SETON                     LR
OQSYSPRT E  203           EX40
O                                   50 'HEADER POSITION'
O        E  1             EX40
O                         NAME      50
O        E  1             EX40
O                                   50 'END OF LIST'

2001-08-23 如何刪除檔案中所有欄位值一樣的重複記錄(DUPLICATE RECORDS)?

如何刪除檔案中所有欄位值一樣的重複記錄(DUPLICATE RECORDS)?

1. 複製包含重複記錄的 DBFILE 至一 WRKFILE,但不複製資料。

2. 啟動 SQL,從 DBFILE 複製資料至 WRKFILE。

3. 從 WRKFILE 複製資料回至 DBFILE 。

2001-08-20 如何於 RPG 中取得工作站狀態?(利用 Retrieve Configuration Status (QDCRCFGS) API)

如何於 RPG 中取得工作站狀態?(利用 Retrieve Configuration Status (QDCRCFGS) API)

Type   : RPGLE

         run with:  CALL RTVCFGSTSR PARM('*DEVD' 'DSP01')  (or whatever you like)


     D RtvCfgSts       PR                  ExtPgm('QDCRCFGS')
     D  RcvVar                    32766A   options(*varsize)
     D  RcvVarLen                    10I 0 const
     D  Format                        8A   const
     D  CfgDType                     10A   const
     d  CfgDName                     10A   const
     D  ErrorCode                 32766A   options(*varsize)

     D p_ds1           S               *
     D ds1             DS                  based(p_ds1)
     D  ds1BytesRtn                  10I 0
     D  ds1BytesAvl                  10I 0
     D  ds1Status                    10I 0
     D  ds1DateRtv                    7A
     D  ds1TimeRtv                    6A
     D  ds1StatusTxt                 20A
     D  ds1JobName                   10A
     D  ds1JobUser                   10A
     D  ds1JobNbr                     6A
     D  ds1PassThr                   10A
     D  ds1Reserv1                    3A
     D  ds1OffActCnv                 10I 0
     D  ds1NbrActCnv                 10I 0
     D  ds1LenActCnv                 10I 0
     D  ds1OffMulJob                 10I 0
     D  ds1NbrMulJob                 10I 0
     D  ds1LenMulJob                 10I 0

     D p_ds2           S               *
     D ds2             DS                  based(p_ds2)
     D  ds2CnvSts                    10I 0
     D  ds2CnvStsTxt                 20A
     D  ds2CnvStsMod                 10A
     D  ds2CnvStsJob                 10A
     D  ds2CnvStsUsr                 10A
     D  ds2CnvStsNbr                  6A

     D p_ds3           S               *
     D ds3             DS                  based(p_ds3)
     D  ds3MultJob                   10A
     D  ds3MultUser                  10A
     D  ds3MultNbr                    6A

     D dsEC            DS
     D  dsECBytesP             1      4I 0 inz(256)
     D  dsECBytesA             5      8I 0 inz(0)
     D  dsECMsgID              9     15
     D  dsECReserv            16     16
     D  dsECMsgDta            17    256

     D p_workspace     S               *
     D workspace       S              1A   based(p_workspace)
     D size            S             10I 0
     D Msg             S             52A
     D X               S             10I 0
     D pause           S              1A

     c     *entry        plist
     c                   parm                    CfgType          10
     c                   parm                    CfgName          10

     c                   eval      *inlr = *on

     C* Reserve space for up to 200 active convs & 200 multjobs...
     c                   eval      size = %size(ds1) + (%size(ds2)*200) +
     c                                 (%size(ds3)*200)
     c                   alloc     size          p_workspace

     C* Call Retrieve Cfg Status API:
     c                   callp     RtvCfgSts(workspace: size: 'CFGS0100':
     c                                CfgType: CfgName: dsEC)
     c                   if        dsECBytesA > 0
     c                   eval      Msg = 'QDCRCFGS failed with ' +
     c                                 dsECMsgID
     c                   dsply                   Msg
     c                   return
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      p_ds1 = p_workspace

     C** Show status of cfg descr:
     c                   eval      Msg = 'Status = ' + ds1StatusTxt
     c     Msg           dsply

     C** Show job using cfg descr:
     c                   if        ds1JobName <> *blanks
     c                   eval      Msg = 'Job = ' + %trimr(ds1JobName) +
     c                                  '/' + %trimr(ds1JobUser) + '/' +
     c                                  ds1JobNbr
     c     Msg           dsply
     c                   endif

     C** Show any active conversations:
     c                   do        ds1NbrActCnv  X
     c                   eval      p_ds2 = p_workspace + ds1OffActCnv +
     c                               ((X-1) * ds1LenActCnv)
     c                   eval      Msg = 'ActCnv ' + %trim(%editc(X:'Z'))
     c                              + ' status = ' + ds2CnvStsTxt
     c     Msg           dsply
     c                   eval      Msg = 'ActCnv ' + %trim(%editc(X:'Z')) +
     c                              ' job = ' + %trimr(ds2CnvStsJob) +
     c                              '/' + %trimr(ds2CnvStsUsr) + '/' +
     c                              ds2CnvStsNbr
     c     Msg           dsply
     c                   enddo

     C** If this device can be used by multiple jobs,
     C**  show them all now:
     c                   do        ds1NbrMulJob  X
     c                   eval      p_ds2 = p_workspace + ds1OffMulJob +
     c                               ((X-1) * ds1LenMulJob)
     c                   eval      Msg = 'MultJob ' + %trim(%editc(X:'Z')) +
     c                              ' = ' + %trimr(ds3MultJob) +
     c                              '/' + %trimr(ds3MultUser) + '/' +
     c                              ds3MultNbr
     c     Msg           dsply
     c                   enddo

     c                   dsply                   pause

     c                   return


Retrieve Configuration Status (QDCRCFGS) API參考資訊


2001-08-01 如何於 RPG 中取得系統名稱?

如何於 RPG 中取得系統名稱?

Type   : RPGLE



     D RtvSysName      PR            10I 0
     D   SystemName                   8A

     c                   if        RtvSysName(MyName) < 0
     c                   eval      Msg = 'RtvSysName ended in error!'
     c                   dsply                   Msg              40
     c                   else
     c                   eval      Msg = 'Systen Name'
     c     Msg           dsply                   MyName            8
     c                   endif

     c                   eval      *inlr = *on

      *  Retrieve System Name procedure:   RtvSysName
      *    Parm:    SysName = name of system returned.
      *   Returns:  0 = Success
      *             negative value if an error occurred.  See below
      *             for a list of possible negative values.
     P RtvSysName      B                   Export
     D RtvSysName      PI            10I 0
     D   SysName                      8A

     D QWCRNETA        PR                  ExtPgm('QWCRNETA')
     D   RcvVar                   32766A   OPTIONS(*VARSIZE)
     D   RcvVarLen                   10I 0 const
     D   NbrNetAtr                   10I 0 const
     D   AttrNames                   10A   const
     D   ErrorCode                  256A

     D* Error code structure
     D EC              DS
     D*                                    Bytes Provided (size of struct)
     D  EC_BytesP              1      4B 0 INZ(256)
     D*                                    Bytes Available (returned by API)
     D  EC_BytesA              5      8B 0 INZ(0)
     D*                                    Msg ID of Error Msg Returned
     D  EC_MsgID               9     15
     D*                                    Reserved
     D  EC_Reserve            16     16
     D*                                    Msg Data of Error Msg Returned
     D  EC_MsgDta             17    256

     D* Receiver variable for QWCRNETA with only one attribute
     D RV              ds
     D*                                    Number of Attrs returned
     D   RV_Attrs                    10I 0
     D*                                    Offset to first attribute
     D   RV_Offset                   10I 0
     D*                                    Add l data returned.
     D   RV_Data                      1A   DIM(1000)

     D* Network attribute structure
     D p_NA            S               *
     D NA              ds                  based(p_NA)
     D*                                    Attribute Name
     D   NA_Attr                     10A
     D*                                    Type of Data.  C=Char, B=Binary
     D   NA_Type                      1A
     D*                                    Status. L=Locked, Blank=Normal
     D   NA_Status                    1A
     D*                                    Length of Data
     D   NA_Length                   10I 0
     D*                                    Actual Data (in character)
     D   NA_DataChr                1000A
     D*                                    Actual Data (in binary)
     D   NA_DataInt                  10I 0 overlay(NA_DataChr:1)

     C* Call API to get system name
     C*   -1 = API returned an error
     C                   callp     QWCRNETA(RV: %size(RV): 1: 'SYSNAME': EC)
     c                   if        EC_BytesA > 0
     c                   return    -1
     c                   endif

     C*   -2 = RcvVar contained data that we
     C*        dont understand :(
     c                   if        RV_Attrs <> 1
     c                               or RV_Offset < 8
     c                               or RV_Offset > 1000
     c                   return    -2
     c                   endif

     C*   Attach NetAttr structure
     c                   eval      RV_Offset = RV_Offset - 7
     c                   eval      p_NA = %addr(RV_Data(RV_Offset))

     C*   -3 = NetAttr structure had data
     C*        that we don't understand :(
     c                   if        NA_Attr <> 'SYSNAME'
     c                               or NA_Length < 1
     c                               or NA_Length > 8
     c                   return    -3
     c                   endif

     C*   -4 = Network attributes are locked
     c                   if        NA_Status = 'L'
     c                   return    -4
     c                   endif

     C*   Ahhh... we got it!
     c                   eval      SysName = %subst(NA_DataChr:1:NA_Length)
     c                   return    0
     P                 E


2001-07-24 如何監控 Job Status 為 MSGW 的 Job 並以 e-Mail 自動通知相關人員?

如何監控 Job Status 為 MSGW 的 Job 並以 e-Mail 自動通知相關人員?

1. 請參閱電子報
 “如何從 AS/400  直接傳送 E-Mail to Internet ?“
  設定 AS/400 e-mail 相關設定。

   Member: ALERTC
   Type  : CLP

   在這個程式中,我並沒有使用 System API,而是
   使用 TFRCTL 指令,讓 CLP 能重複讀取 PF 

/* JOB STATUS MONITORING                                           */
/* PROGRAM : ALERTC                                                */
/*                  STATUS : MSGW                                  */
/*                           DLYW                                  */
/*                           HLD                                   */
/* Usage:                                                          */
/*                                                                 */
/*                                                                 */
PGM        PARM(&STS)
             DCL        VAR(&STS) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4)
             DCL        VAR(&TXT) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(60)
             DCLF       FILE(QTEMP/ALERTJOB)

             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF9801) EXEC(DO)
             CRTPF      FILE(QTEMP/ALERTJOB) RCDLEN(132)

             IF         COND(%SST(&ALERTJOB 111 4) *EQ &STS) +
             CHGVAR     VAR(&TXT) VALUE(&STS *CAT ' STATUS : ' *CAT     +
                          %SST(&ALERTJOB 29 6) *CAT '/' *CAT +
                          %SST(&ALERTJOB 17 10) *TCAT '/' *CAT +
                          %SST(&ALERTJOB 4 10) *CAT '!!!')
             SNDDST     TYPE(*LMSG) +
                          TOINTNET((your-email@your-domain.com)) +
                          DSTD('ALERT') LONGMSG(&TXT) SUBJECT(&TXT)
             SNDBRKMSG  MSG(&TXT) TOMSGQ(DSP01 your-console)
             GOTO READ
             DLYJOB     DLY(180)
             TFRCTL     PGM(ALERTC) PARM(&STS)

END:         ENDPGM

2001-07-20 如何於 batch(批次) 環境中 debug(除蟲) RPG 程式?

如何於 batch(批次) 環境中 debug(除蟲) RPG 程式?

如何於 batch(批次) 環境中 debug(除蟲) RPG 程式?

1. Submit 你的程式至批次環境中並確認該程式是被 Hold 著。
   有二種方式可讓被 Submit 的程式 Hold 著:

   Submit 程式前將 Job Queue hold 著,再Submit 程式或
   Submit 程式時使用 HOLD(*YES) 參數 。

2. 使用  WRKUSRJOB 指令,並使用選項 5 顯示你所要 debug 的 Job。

3. 記下該 Job 的  user name, job name and number 。

4. 使用 STRSRVJOB 指令,輸入前一步驟記下的 user name, job name 
   and number,啟動一個 service job。

5. 使用 STRDBG PGM(你的程式名稱) - 按 F12 跳出顯示原始檔畫面

6. 使用  WRKUSRJOB 或 WRKSBMJOB 指令,並使用選項 6 Release 步驟 1 
   所 submitted 的 job。

7. 接著會顯示一個畫面通知你的 Job 已經啟動,並要求你按 F10 功能鍵,
   在按 F10 功能鍵後,會進入 QCMD 指令行的畫面。

8. 輸入指令 DSPMODSRC 及 設定除錯中斷點(breakpoints)。

9. 按 F3 功能鍵離開 DSPMODSRC source display。

10. 按 F3 功能鍵離開 QCMD 指令行的畫面。

11. 接著 Job 開始執行至第一個除錯中斷點,接著除錯(debug)。

12. 在除錯(debug)後,下指令 ENDDBG結束除錯器,
    然後再下指令 ENDSRVJOB 結束 service job。

2001-07-19 如何使用 System API 列出 Subsystem Description 的相關資訊 ?

如何使用 System API 列出 Subsystem Description 的相關資訊 ?

Type  : RPGLE

利用 System API 函數或
下指令 DSPSBSD sunsystem *Print

因指令 DSPSBSD 輸出太複雜,所以我使用
System API 函數,列出 Active subsystem

      */ Upload to QRPGLESRC member 112 long
      */ CRTBNDRPG
      * anzsbsdr - generate report for subsystem related entries.
      * Created by   Vengoal Chang,  7/18/2001
      * program summary:
      * executes api to load all active subsystem names into array.
      * sort the array in ascending sequence for printing.
      * execute api to get pool id..
      * execute api to pool id of routing entries
      * print report
      * api (application program interface) calls:
      * quscrtus  create user space
      * qwclasbs  list active subsystems
      * qsdrsbsd  retrieve subsystem info - get pool ids
      * qwdlsbse  list subsystem entries
      *        The following formats can be used:
      *        SBSE0100 Routing entry list.
      *        SBSE0200 Communications entry list.
      *        SBSE0300 Remote locations entry list.
      *        SBSE0400 Autostart job entry list.
      *        SBSE0500 Prestart job entry list.
      *        SBSE0600 Workstation name entry list.
      *        SBSE0700 Workstation type entry list.
      * qwdlsjbq  list subsystem entries - get jobq entries
      * qwcrneta  retrieve network attribute - get system name
      * see system programmer's INTERFACE REFERENCE for API detail.
     Fqsysprt   o    f  198        printer Oflind(*InOV)
     D psds           sds
     D  JobDate              270    275S 0
      * Get user space list info from header section.
     D                 ds                  based(uHeadPtr)
     D uOffSetToList         125    128i 0                                      offset to list
     D uNumOfEntrys          133    136i 0                                      number list entries
     D uSizeOfEntry          137    140i 0                                      list entry size
      * Field to move through user space by pointer.
     D uListEntry      ds                  Based(uListPtr)                      sbs lib
     D uSbsLib                       20                                         sbs lib
      * for Rounting Entry format SBSE0100
     D uSquenceNO                    10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:1)
     D uRoutingPgm                   10    overlay(uListEntry:5)
     D uRoutingPgmLib                10    overlay(uListEntry:15)
     D uRoutingClass                 10    overlay(uListEntry:25)
     D uRoutingClsLib                10    overlay(uListEntry:35)
     D uMaxRoutingStp                10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:45)
     D uRoutingPoolId                10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:49)
     D uCmpStrPos                    10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:53)
     D uCmpValue                     80    overlay(uListEntry:57)
      * for AutoStart Job  format SBSE0400
     D uAutostartJob                 10    overlay(uListEntry:1)
     D uAutostartJobD                10    overlay(uListEntry:11)
     D uAutostartJobL                10    overlay(uListEntry:21)
      * for Rounting Entry format SBSE0500
     D uPreJobPgm                    10    overlay(uListEntry:1)
     D uPreJobPgmLib                 10    overlay(uListEntry:11)
     D uUsrPrf                       10    overlay(uListEntry:21)
     D uStartJob                      1    overlay(uListEntry:31)
     D uWaitJob                       1    overlay(uListEntry:32)
     D uIniNumJobs                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:33)
     D uThreshold                    10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:37)
     D uAdditionalJob                10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:41)
     D uMaxNumJobs                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:45)
     D uMaxNumUse                    10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:49)
     D uPoolId                       10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:53)
     D uPreJobName                   10    overlay(uListEntry:57)
     D uPreJobD                      10    overlay(uListEntry:67)
     D uPreJobDLib                   10    overlay(uListEntry:77)
     D uFirstClsName                 10    overlay(uListEntry:89)
     D uFirstClsLib                  10    overlay(uListEntry:99)
     D uNumJobsUseFst                10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:109)
     D uSecClassName                 10    overlay(uListEntry:113)
     D uSecClassLib                  10    overlay(uListEntry:123)
     D uNumJobsUseSec                10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:133)
      * for Workstation Entrys  format name SBSE0600 , type SBSE0700
     D uWorkStationNM                10    overlay(uListEntry:1)
     D uWorkStationJD                10    overlay(uListEntry:11)
     D uWorkStationJL                10    overlay(uListEntry:21)
     D uControlJob                   10    overlay(uListEntry:31)
     D uMaxActJob                    10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:41)
      * for Jobq Entrys  format name SJQL0100
     D uJobqName                     10    overlay(uListEntry:1)
     D uJobqLib                      10    overlay(uListEntry:11)
     D uSeqNo                        10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:21)
     D uAllocInd                     10    overlay(uListEntry:25)
     D ureserved                      2    overlay(uListEntry:35)
     D uMaxAct                       10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:37)
     D uMaxActPri1                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:41)
     D uMaxActPri2                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:45)
     D uMaxActPri3                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:49)
     D uMaxActPri4                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:53)
     D uMaxActPri5                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:57)
     D uMaxActPri6                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:61)
     D uMaxActPri7                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:65)
     D uMaxActPri8                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:69)
     D uMaxActPri9                   10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:73)
     D MaxPri                        10i 0 overlay(uListEntry:41) dim(9)
     D MaxPriDs        ds                                                       sbs lib
     D MaxActPri1C                   10
     D MaxActPri2C                   10
     D MaxActPri3C                   10
     D MaxActPri4C                   10
     D MaxActPri5C                   10
     D MaxActPri6C                   10
     D MaxActPri7C                   10
     D MaxActPri8C                   10
     D MaxActPri9C                   10
     D MaxPriC                       10    overlay(MaxPriDs:1) dim(9)
      * Define various numeric counters, indexes and such.
     D aa              s              5u 0
     D bb              s              5u 0
     D cc              s              5u 0
     D xx              s              5u 0
     D yy              s              5u 0
     D zz              s             10u 0
     D ii              s             10u 0
      * array of subsystem names to allow alpha sorting for report.
      * array of routing entry pool IDs so only unique IDs will print.
     D ArryOfSBS       s             20    dim(999) ascend                      sort array
     D ArryOfRtg       s             10i 0 dim(50)  ascend inz                  unique only
      *  Get pool ID and names into print string.
     D vrcvar          ds          1000
     D  vNumPools                    10i 0 overlay(vrcvar:77)
     D vrcvarlen       s             10i 0 inz(%size(vrcvar))
     D vQualSbsName    s             20
     D PoolDSAPI       ds                  based(ptr_pool)                      get from API
     D PNumAPI                       10i 0
     D PNameAPI                      10
     D PoolDSPRT       ds            15                                         load print string
     D PNumPrt                 1      2
     D PNamePrt                4     14
     D PoolString      s             75                                         print string
     D RtgString       s             30                                         print string
     D PRtgPrt         s              3
      * Define parms for Create User space API.
     D ExtndAttrb      s             10    inz('TEST ')
     D Hex0Init        s              1    inz(x'00')
     D UseAthrity      s             10    inz('*ALL ')
     D SpaceText       s             50    inz('User command space')
     D ReplaceObj      s             10    inz('*NO ')
     D LenOfSpace      s             10i 0 inz(1000000)
     D Domain          s             10    inz('*DEFAULT')
     D TransferSize    s             10i 0 inz(32)
     D OptimumAlign    s              1    inz('1')
      * These field are defined to retrieve system name from QWCRNETA
     D vsysnm          s              8                                         EXTRACT SYSNAM
      * Load number of attributes to retrieve and attribute name
     D vapiky          ds
     D  vnkfld                       10i 0 inz(1)
     D  vkarry                       11    inz('SYSNAME')
      *     Number of keys returned and offset to attribute data
     D vrcvr1          ds           200    inz
     D  vnkyrt                       10i 0
     D  voffna                       10i 0
     D  vrcvln         s             10i 0 inz
      *     Network Attribute Information Table returned
     D vnait           ds                  inz
     D  vrtatt                 1     10
     D  vrttyp                11     11
     D  vrtsta                12     12
     D  vrtlen                       10i 0
      * Error return code parm for APIs.
     D vApiErrDs       ds
     D  vbytpv                       10i 0 inz(%size(vApiErrDs))                bytes provided
     D  vbytav                       10i 0 inz(0)                               bytes returned
     D  vmsgid                        7                                         error msgid
     D  vresvd                        1                                         reserved
     D  vexdta                       50                                         replacement data
      * load the active subsystem names to the the user space.
     C                   call      'QWCLASBS'                                   LOAD ACTIVE SBS
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName                     USER SPACE
     C                   parm      'SBSL0100'    vfornm            8            TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs
      * Move through user space to get the subsystem name and library.
      * load into array for sorting.
     C                   eval      uListPtr = uHeadPtr + uOffSetToList          START OF LIST
 1B  C                   do        uNumOfEntrys                                 PROCESS LOOP
     C                   add       1             xx
     C                   eval      ArryOfSBS(xx)=uSbsLib
     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uListPtr  + uSizeOfEntry         NEXT ENTRY
 1E  C                   enddo
      * Sort the array and position the element counter to beginning of loaded entries.
     C                   sorta     ArryOfSBS
     C                   eval      xx=1000-xx                                    skip to data
      * Spin though the sorted array
 1B  C     xx            do        999           yy
     C                   eval      vQualSbsName=ArryOfSBS(yy)
      * Get POOL id number and names.   Load up to 5 entries into string for printing.
     C                   call      'QWDRSBSD'                                   retrieve Sbs Info
     C                   parm                    vrcvar
     C                   parm                    vrcvarlen
     C                   parm      'SBSI0100'    vfornm                         TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    vQualSbsName
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs
     C                   eval      ptr_pool = %addr(vrcvar)+80
     C                   clear                   PoolString
     C                   z-add     1             aa
 2B  C                   do        vNumPools     zz
 3B  C                   if        zz>5
 2L  C                   leave
 3E  C                   endif
     C                   evalr     PNumPrt=%editc(PNumAPI:'4')
     C                   eval      PNamePrt = PNameAPI
     C                   eval      %subst(PoolString:aa)= PoolDsPrt
     C                   add       15            aa
     C                   eval      ptr_pool=ptr_pool+28                         next offset
 2E  C                   enddo
      * load the routing entries for this subsystem into the user space
     C                   call      'QWDLSBSE'                                   list sbs entries
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName                     USER SPACE
     C                   parm      'SBSE0100'    vfornm            8            TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    vQualSbsName
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs
      *    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      *    This is a little complicated. The same routing pool entry ID could be in many
      *    of the routing entries. We only want to show one .    I will
      *    use an array to lookup and see if the entry is used yet.
      *    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     C                   clear                   aa
     C                   clear                   ArryOfRtg
     C                   eval      RtgString=*all'-    '
     C                   eval      uListPtr = uHeadPtr + uOffSetToList          START OF LIST
     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    routingh
     C                   if        uNumOfEntrys = 0
     C                   except    nodata
     C                   endif
 2B  C                   do        uNumOfEntrys                                 PROCESS LOOP
     C                   except    routingd
     C                   if        *InOV = *On
     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    routingh
     C                   eval      *InOV = *Off
     C                   endif
     C     uRoutingPoolIDlookup    ArryOfRtg                              81
 3B  C                   if        *in81=*off
     C                   add       1             aa
     C                   eval      ArryOfRtg(aa)=uRoutingPoolID
 3E  C                   endif
     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uListPtr  + uSizeOfEntry         NEXT ENTRY
 2E  C                   enddo
      *        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      *        Sort the array and load it into print string.
      *        -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     C                   sorta     ArryOfRTG
     C                   eval      aa=51-aa
      * Spin through the array loading the print string
     C                   z-add     1             cc
 2B  C     aa            do        50            bb
     C                   evalr     PRtgPrt=%editc(ArryOfRtg(bb):'4')
     C                   eval      %subst(RtgString:cc:3)=PRtgPrt
     C                   add       3             cc
 2E  C                   enddo
     C                   except    poolidh
     C                   except    poolidd
      * load the JobQueue entries for this subsystem into the user space
     C                   call      'QWDLSJBQ'                                   list sbs entries
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName                     USER SPACE
     C                   parm      'SJQL0100'    vfornm                         TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    vQualSbsName
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs

     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    jobqh
     C                   if        uNumOfEntrys = 0
     C                   except    nodata
     C                   endif

     C                   eval      uListPtr = uHeadPtr + uOffSetToList          START OF LIST
 2B  C                   do        uNumOfEntrys                                 PROCESS LOOP
     C                   clear                   MaxPriC
     C                   for       ii = 1 to 9
     C                   if        MaxPri(ii) = -1
     C                   eval      MaxPriC(ii)= '*NOMAX'
     C                   else
     C                   eval      MaxPriC(ii)= %editc(MaxPri(ii): '4')
     C                   endif
     C                   endfor
     C                   except    jobqd
 3B  C                   if        *InOV = *On
     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    jobqh
     C                   eval      *InOV = *Off
 3E  C                   endif
     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uListPtr  + uSizeOfEntry         NEXT ENTRY
 2E  C                   enddo
      * load the Autostart entries for this subsystem into the user space
     C                   call      'QWDLSBSE'                                   list sbs entries
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName                     USER SPACE
     C                   parm      'SBSE0400'    vfornm                         TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    vQualSbsName
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs

     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    autostarth
     C                   if        uNumOfEntrys = 0
     C                   except    nodata
     C                   endif

     C                   eval      uListPtr = uHeadPtr + uOffSetToList          START OF LIST
 2B  C                   do        uNumOfEntrys                                 PROCESS LOOP
     C                   except    autostartd
 3B  C                   if        *InOV = *On
     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    autostarth
     C                   eval      *InOV = *Off
 3E  C                   endif
     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uListPtr  + uSizeOfEntry         NEXT ENTRY
 2E  C                   enddo
      * load the prestart entries for this subsystem into the user space
     C                   call      'QWDLSBSE'                                   list sbs entries
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName                     USER SPACE
     C                   parm      'SBSE0500'    vfornm                         TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    vQualSbsName
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs

     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    prestarth
     C                   if        uNumOfEntrys = 0
     C                   except    nodata
     C                   endif

     C                   eval      uListPtr = uHeadPtr + uOffSetToList          START OF LIST
 2B  C                   do        uNumOfEntrys                                 PROCESS LOOP
     C                   z-add     uIniNumJobs   IniNumJobs        5 0
     C                   z-add     uThreshold    Threshold         5 0
     C                   z-add     uAdditionalJobAdditionalJob     5 0
     C                   z-add     uMaxNumJobs   MaxNumJobs        5 0
     C                   z-add     uMaxNumUse    MaxNumUse         5 0
     C                   z-add     uPoolId       PoolId            5 0
     C                   z-add     uNumJobsUseFstNumJobsUseFst     5 0
     C                   z-add     uNumJobsUseSecNumJobsUseSec     5 0
     C                   except    prestartd
 3B  C                   if        *InOV = *On
     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    prestarth
     C                   eval      *InOV = *Off
 3E  C                   endif
     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uListPtr  + uSizeOfEntry         NEXT ENTRY
 2E  C                   enddo
      * load the WorkStation entrys for this subsystem into the user space
     C                   call      'QWDLSBSE'                                   list sbs entries
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName                     USER SPACE
     C                   parm      'SBSE0600'    vfornm                         TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    vQualSbsName
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs

     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    workstnnmh
     C                   if        uNumOfEntrys = 0
     C                   except    nodata
     C                   endif

     C                   eval      uListPtr = uHeadPtr + uOffSetToList          START OF LIST
 2B  C                   do        uNumOfEntrys                                 PROCESS LOOP
     C                   move      *blanks       MaxActJobC       10
     C                   if        uMaxActJob = -1
     C                   eval      MaxActJobC = '*NOMAX'
     C                   else
     C                   eval      MaxActJobC = %editc(uMaxActJob : '4')
     C                   endif
     C                   except    workstnnmd
 3B  C                   if        *InOV = *On
     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    workstnnmh
     C                   eval      *InOV = *Off
 3E  C                   endif
     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uListPtr  + uSizeOfEntry         NEXT ENTRY
 2E  C                   enddo
      * load the workStation entrys for this subsystem into the user space
     C                   call      'QWDLSBSE'                                   list sbs entries
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName                     USER SPACE
     C                   parm      'SBSE0700'    vfornm                         TYPE FORMAT
     C                   parm                    vQualSbsName
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs

     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    workstntyh
     C                   if        uNumOfEntrys = 0
     C                   except    nodata
     C                   endif

     C                   eval      uListPtr = uHeadPtr + uOffSetToList          START OF LIST
 2B  C                   do        uNumOfEntrys                                 PROCESS LOOP
     C                   move      *blanks       MaxActJobC       10
     C                   if        uMaxActJob = -1
     C                   eval      MaxActJobC = '*NOMAX'
     C                   else
     C                   eval      MaxActJobC = %editc(uMaxActJob : '4')
     C                   endif
     C                   except    workstnnmd
 3B  C                   if        *InOV = *On
     C                   except    heading
     C                   except    workstntyh
     C                   eval      *InOV = *Off
 3E  C                   endif
     C                   eval      uListPtr  = uListPtr  + uSizeOfEntry         NEXT ENTRY
 2E  C                   enddo
 1E  C                   enddo

     C                   eval      *inlr=*on
      * Call API to retrieve network attributes.
      * Use offset to extract Network Attribute Information Table.
      * Extract system name from table.
     C     *inzsr        begsr
     C                   call      'QWCRNETA'                                   RETRIEVE SPACE
     C                   parm                    vrcvr1
     C                   parm      200           vrcvln
     C                   parm                    vnkfld                         NUMBER OF KEYS
     C                   parm                    vkarry                         KEY ARRAY
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs
     C     voffna        add       1             aa                             START OFFSET
     C                   eval      vnait = %subst(vrcvr1:aa:16)                 LOAD NAIT DST
     C                   add       16            aa                             START OF DATA
     C     vrtlen        subst     vrcvr1:aa     vsysnm                         EXTRACT SYSNAM
     C                   clear                   aa
     C*                  except    Headin
     C*                  except    heading
     C*                  except    routingh
      *    -CREATE USER SPACE-----------------------------------------------------------------------
     C                   eval      uSpaceName = 'JCRCMDS   QTEMP     '
     C                   call      'QUSCRTUS'                                   CREATE USER SPC
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName       20            SPACE    LIB
     C                   parm                    ExtndAttrb                     EXTENDED ATRIB
     C                   parm                    LenOfSpace                     SIZE IN BYTES
     C                   parm                    Hex0Init                       INITIAL VALUE
     C                   parm                    UseAthrity                     AUTHORITY
     C                   parm                    SpaceText
     C                   parm                    ReplaceObj
     C                   parm                    vApiErrDs
      ***                parm                    Domain
      ***                parm                    TransferSize
      ***                parm                    OptimumAlign
      *    -GET POINTER TO USER SPACE---------------------------------------------------------------
     C                   call      'QUSPTRUS'                                   GET POINTER TO SPACE
     C                   parm                    uSpaceName                     SPACE    LIB
     C                   parm                    uHeadPtr
     C                   endsr
     Oqsysprt   e            heading        1 01
     O                                           10 'ANZSBSDR  '
     O                                           72 'ANALYZE SUBSYSTEM INFO'
     O                                          198 'JCR'
     O          e            heading        1
     O                                          109 'SYSTEM:'
     O                       vsysnm             120
     O          e            heading        2
     O                                          109 'Date  :'
     O                       JobDate       Y    120
     O          e            nodata         1
     O                       vQualSbsName
     O                                           +1 'No Entrys data!'
     O          e            poolidh     2  1
     O                                            4 'SBSD'
     O                                           43 'ROUTING ENTRY POOLID'
     O                                           58 'POOLS'
     O          e            poolidd        1
     O                       vQualSbsName
     O                       RtgString           +1
     O                       PoolString          +1
     O          e            routingh       1
     O                                           15 'Routing Entries'
     O          e            routingh       1
     O                                            4 'SBSD'
     O                                           31 'SeqNO'
     O                                           42 'RoutingPgm'
     O                                           66 'RoutingClass'
     O                                           86 'MaxStep'
     O                                           97 'PoolID'
     O                                          108 'StrPos'
     O                                          117 'CmpValue'
     O          e            routingd       1
     O                       vQualSbsName
     O                       uSquenceNo    4     +1
     O                       uRoutingPgm         +1
     O                       uRoutingPgmLib      +1
     O                       uRoutingClass       +1
     O                       uRoutingClsLib      +1
     O                       uMaxRoutingStp4     +1
     O                       uRoutingPoolID4     +1
     O                       uCmpStrPos    4     +1
     O                       uCmpValue           +1
     O          e            jobqh          1
     O                                           12 'JobQ Entries'
     O          e            jobqh          1
     O                                            9 'SUBSYSTEM'
     O                                           17 'LIBRARY'
     O                                           25 'Jobq'
     O                                           41 'Library'
     O                                           55 'SeqNo'
     O                                           64 'AllocInd'
     O                                           77 'MaxAct'
     O                                          103 'Maximum by priority 1 - 9'
     O          e            jobqd          1
     O                       vQualSbsName
     O                       uJobqName           +1
     O                       uJobqLib            44
     O                       uSeqNo        4     55
     O                       uAllocInd           66
     O                       uMaxAct       4     77
     O                       MaxActPri1C         +1
     O                       MaxActPri2C         +1
     O                       MaxActPri3C         +1
     O                       MaxActPri4C         +1
     O                       MaxActPri5C         +1
     O                       MaxActPri6C         +1
     O                       MaxActPri7C         +1
     O                       MaxActPri8C         +1
     O                       MaxActPri9C         +1
     O          e            autostarth     1
     O                                           21 'Autostart Job Entries'
     O          e            autostarth     1
     O                                            9 'SUBSYSTEM'
     O                                           17 'LIBRARY'
     O                                           33 'AutostartJob'
     O                                           49 'Job Description'
     O                                           57 'Library'
     O          e            autostartd     1
     O                       vQualSbsName
     O                       uAutostartJob       +1
     O                       uAutostartJobD      44
     O                       uAutostartJobL      60
     O          e            prestarth      1
     O                                           20 'Prestart Job Entries'
     O          e            prestarth      1
     O                                            9 'SUBSYSTEM'
     O                                           17 'LIBRARY'
     O                                           28 'PROGRAM'
     O                                           39 'LIBRARY'
     O                                           47 'User'
     O                                           55 'S'
     O                                           57 'W'
     O                                           63 'IniJob'
     O                                           69 'Thres'
     O                                           75 'AddJob'
     O                                           81 'Max'
     O                                           87 'Use'
     O                                           93 'Pool'
     O                                          104 'PreJobName'
     O                                          112 'PreJobD'
     O                                          123 'Library'
     O                                          134 'Class 1'
     O                                          145 'Library'
     O                                          154 'Use'
     O                                          162 'Class 2'
     O                                          173 'Library'
     O                                          182 'Use'
     O          e            prestartd      1
     O                       vQualSbsName
     O                       uPreJobPgm          +1
     O                       uPreJobPgmLib       +1
     O                       uUsrPrf             +1
     O                       uStartJob           +1
     O                       uWaitJob            +1
     O                       IniNumJobs    4     +1
     O                       Threshold     4     +1
     O                       AdditionalJob 4     +1
     O                       MaxNumJobs    4     +1
     O                       MaxNumUse     4     +1
     O                       PoolId        4     +1
     O                       uPreJobName         +1
     O                       uPreJobD            +1
     O                       uPreJobDLib         +1
     O                       uFirstClsName       +1
     O                       uFirstClsLib        +1
     O                       NumJobsUseFst 4     +1
     O                       uSecClassName       +1
     O                       uSecClassLib        +1
     O                       NumJobsUseSec 4     +1
     O          e            workstnnmh     1
     O                                           24 'Workstation Name Entries'
     O          e            workstnnmh     1
     O                                            9 'SUBSYSTEM'
     O                                           17 'LIBRARY'
     O                                           32 'WorkStation'
     O                                           49 'Job Description'
     O                                           57 'Library'
     O                                           71 'ControlJob'
     O                                           82 'MaximumJob'
     O          e            workstntyh     1
     O                                           24 'Workstation Type Entries'
     O          e            workstntyh     1
     O                                            9 'SUBSYSTEM'
     O                                           17 'LIBRARY'
     O                                           37 'WorkStation Type'
     O                                           54 'Job Description'
     O                                           62 'Library'
     O                                           76 'ControlJob'
     O                                           87 'MaximumJob'
     O          e            workstnnmd     1
     O                       vQualSbsName
     O                       uWorkstationNM      +1
     O                       uWorkstationJD      49
     O                       uWorkstationJL      65
     O                       uControlJob         76
     O                       MaxActJobC          87

2001-07-17 如何讓你的 SQL 輸出讓人一目了然更有意義?

如何讓你的 SQL 輸出讓人一目了然更有意義?

使用 SQL Case 語法:


select tm01, tm02, tm10,              
     when tm10 <=1000                 
       then 'Little'                  
     when tm10 > 1000 and tm10 <=10000
       then 'Midium'                  
     when tm10 > 10000                
       then 'Large'                   
       else '    '                    
  end as flag                         
  from imtmpf                         

其中 TM01,TM02 欄位是料號,TM10 是數量,
利用 CASE 函數將 TM10 依數值區間分類給一文字性敘述輸出,是不是較明白呢!


ATXN6058A        16.8            29,414.00   Large 
ATXN6058A        16.8            11,389.00   Large 
ATXN6062A        19.2            19,163.00   Large 
KFN6237A         109.65          10,000.00   Midium
ATXN6059B        14.85           28,770.00   Large 
ATXN6059B        14.85           24,287.00   Large 
ATXN6059A        14.85           11,872.00   Large 
ATFN6000A        45.1            10,000.00   Midium
ATFN6000A        45.1             6,000.00   Midium
KFN6138AB        73.35            6,000.00   Midium
KXN1476A         17.85            7,200.00   Midium

2001-07-13 如何於 SQL 中比較系統的 CURRENT DATE 與數字或文字性欄位?

如何於 SQL 中比較系統的 CURRENT DATE 與數字或文字性欄位?

SQL 的 CurDate 函數傳回一個 date 屬性的值,無法
之前要先作型態轉換,有一個方法是使用 SQL/400
的 Year(),Month(),Day() 函數傳回數值,然後使用
數學運算式,產生數字性日期格式 YYYYMMDD,以下是

建立範例 Table TestDate:

Create Table TestDate (
  PKCol    Int             Primary Key,
  DecDate  Decimal( 9,0 ),
  CharDate Char( 8 ) )


Insert Into TestDate Values ( 1, 20010711, '20010711' )


Select  *                                                         
  From  TestDate                                         
  Where DecDate =                                                
        100 * ( 100 * Year( CurDate() ) + Month( CurDate() ) ) + 
        Day( CurDate() )

使用 CAST 函數將數字轉換為文字

Select  *                                                         
  From  TestDate                                         
  Where CharDate = Cast(                                         
        100 * ( 100 * Year( CurDate() ) + Month( CurDate() ) ) + 
        Day( CurDate() ) As Char( 8 ) )

使用 CAST 函數時要注意 Month(),Day() 函數傳回
值若小於 10 時,CAST 函數轉換的結果會以 最後一
位為 空白,而非 0。

2001-07-02 如何於 SEU 中編輯 CLP 時直接執行 Command ?(不是按 F21 ㄡ)而是將 Command 輸入於 SEU 編輯區,按執行鍵,馬上執行 Command。

如何於 SEU 中編輯 CLP 時直接執行 Command ?(不是按 F21 ㄡ)而是將 Command 輸入於 SEU 編輯區,按執行鍵,馬上執行 Command。

如何於 SEU 中編輯 CLP 時直接執行  Command ?(不是按 F21 ㄡ)
而是將 Command 輸入於 SEU 編輯區,按執行鍵,馬上執行 Command。

Step 1: Create Command Source

/*  QCMDSRC for source CMD                                           */
/*           *************** Beginning of data ***********************/
/*           0001.00 CMD                                             */
/*           ****************** End of data **************************/

Step 2: Create Command Processing PGM

/*  QCLSRC for source RETURN                                         */
/*           *************** Beginning of data ***********************/
/*           0001.00 RETURN                                          */
/*           ****************** End of data **************************/
Step 3: Create '@' Command 使用 QSYS/QCMD 當成 Command 的檢核程式
           Validity checking program

/* Create Command (CRTCMD)                                             
/* Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>_@_________ Name
/* Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  _*CURLIB___
/* Program to process command . . .  . >_RETURN_____ Name, *REXX       
/* Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _*LIBL____
/* Source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _QCMDSRC____ N
/* Library . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .  . . . .  ._*LIBL____
/* Source member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >_CMD________ Name, *C
/* Text 'description' . . . ._*SRCMBRTXT____________________           
/*                                  Additional Parameters              
/* Validity checking program . . . >_QCMD_______ Name, *NONE           
/* Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > _QSYS_______ Name,

附註: 你也可以 Create 自己含 CL Command 的 CLP 程式,例如 WAJ 
      技巧在於 利用Command 的檢核程式 Validity checking program。 

/*  QCMDSRC for source WAJ                                           */
/*           *************** Beginning of data ***********************/
/*           0001.00 WAJ                                             */
/*           ****************** End of data **************************/

Step 2: Create Command Processing PGM

/*  QCLSRC for source WAJ                                            */
/*           *************** Beginning of data ***********************/
/*           0001.00 WRKACTJOB                                       */
/*           ****************** End of data **************************/
Step 3: Create 'WAJ' Command 使用 library/WAJ 當成 Command 的檢核程式

/* Create Command (CRTCMD)                                             
/* Command . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .>_WAJ_______ Name
/* Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  _*CURLIB___
/* Program to process command . . .  . >_RETURN_____ Name, *REXX       
/* Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _*LIBL____
/* Source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _QCMDSRC____ N
/* Library . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .  . . . .  ._*LIBL____
/* Source member . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . >_WAJ________ Name, *C
/* Text 'description' . . . ._*SRCMBRTXT____________________           
/*                                  Additional Parameters              
/* Validity checking program . . . >_WAJ________ Name, *NONE           
/* Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . > _QSYS_______ Name,

2001-06-26 如何於 RPG 中檢核 Command 正確性及執行 Command?

如何於 RPG 中檢核 Command 正確性及執行 Command?

Type  : RPGLE

      * Vengoal Chang Development Resource               2001.06     *
      *                                                              *
      *                        \\\\\\\                               *
      *                       ( o   o )                              *
      *                                                              *
      * Description : Checking or running command in RPG             *
      *                                                              *
      *                ooooO              Ooooo                      *
      *                (    )             (    )                     *
      *-----------------(   )-------------(   )----------------------*
      *                  (_)               (_)                       *
      *                                                              *
      *     D E S C R I P T I O N                                    *
      *     Define This BIF                                          *
      *                                                              *
      *   * Chk_Cmd  Check command                                   *
      *   * Run_Cmd  Ejecutar mandato.                               *
      *                                                              *
      *  And the internal function:                                  *
      *   * Call_API   call to QCAPCMD API                           *
      *                                                              *
      *  This functions return the ID of error if there are. also, if the *
      *  user change some parm in th original, the final command is returned*
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      * Process Commands (QCAPCMD) API                               *
      * Required Parameter Group:
      *                                                              *
      * 1  Source command string            Input  Char(*)
      *                                                              *
      * 2  Length of source command string  Input  Binary(4)
      *                                                              *
      * 3  Options control block            Input  Char(*)
      *    The options that control the handling of the command string.
      *    The layout of this parameter is the CPOP0100 format.
      *                                                              *
      * 4  Options control block length     Input  Binary(4)
      *    The length of the options control block. A minimum length of
      *    20 is required for the CPOP0100 format.
      *                                                              *
      * 5  Options control block format     Input  Char(8)
      *    The format of the options control block. CPOP0100 is the
      *    only valid value.
      *                                                              *
      * 6  Changed command string           Output Char(*)
      *                                                              *
      * 7  Length available for changed     Input  Binary(4)
      *    command string
      *                                                              *
      * 8  Length of changed command        Output Binnary(4)
      *    string available to return
      *                                                              *
      * 9  Error Code                       I/O  Char(*)

      * You can use the QCAPCMD API to:

      * Check the syntax of a command string prior to running it
      * Prompt the command and receive the changed command string
      * Run a command from an HLL

      * CPOP0100 Format
      * The CPOP0100 format includes information on the contents of the
      * options control block parameter.
      * Offset  Type  Field
      * Dec  Hex
      *   0    0  BINARY(4)  Type of command processing
      *                      0: AS/400  1: S/38
      *   4    4  CHAR(1)    DBCS data handling
      *                      0: Ignore  1: Handle
      *   5    5  CHAR(1)    Prompter action
      *                      0: Never Propmt
      *                      1: Always Prompt
      *                      2: Prompt the command if selective
      *                         prompting characters are present in the
      *                         command string.
      *                      3:Show help. Provides help display
      *   6    6  CHAR(1)    Command string syntax
      *                      0 :Command running.
      *                      1 :Command syntax check.
      *                      2 :Command line running.
      *                      3 :Command line syntax check.
      *                      4 <--> 10
      *   7    7  CHAR(4)  Message retrieve key
      *                    The message key is valid for processing
      *                    command types 0, 1, 2, and 3.
      *  11    B  CHAR(9)  Reserved

     H Debug  Option(*SRCSTMT:*NODEBUGIO)
      * Compiler instructions
     H Indent('|') Optimize(*Full)
     H BndDir('*LIBL/BNDDIR')
     H NoMain

     D Chk_Cmd         PR             7A
     D    Aux_Cmd                   255A
     D    Aux_Tip                     9B 0 Const Options(*NoPass)
     D    Aux_Prompt                   N   Const Options(*NoPass)

     D Run_Cmd         PR             7A
     D    Aux_Cmd                   255A
     D    Aux_Prompt                   N   Const Options(*NoPass)

     D Proc_Cmds       PR                  ExtPgm('QCAPCMD')
     D    CA_Cmd                    255A   Const
     D    CA_CmdL                     9B 0 Const
     D    CA_OCB                     20A   Const
     D    CA_OCBL                     9B 0 Const
     D    CA_OCBF                     8A   Const
     D    CA_CmdC                   255A
     D    CA_CmdCL                    9B 0 Const
     D    CA_CmdCL1                   9B 0
     D    CA_Err                     16A

     D Call_API        PR             7A
     D    Aux_Cmd                   255A
     D    Aux_Tip                     9B 0 Const
     D    Aux_Prompt                   N   Const
      *-------------------------------------------------------------------*   EUR
      * Call_API      Internal call to API                                *   EUREUR
      *-------------------------------------------------------------------*   EUR
     P Call_API        B
     D Call_API        PI             7A
     D    Aux_Cmd                   255A
     D    Aux_Tip                     9B 0 Const
     D    Aux_Prompt                   N   Const

      * User space error code                                                 EUREUR
      *                                                                       EUREUR
     D QCA_CMD         S            255A
     D QCA_CMDL        S              9B 0 Inz(%Size(QCA_Cmd))
     D QCA_OCB         S             20A   Based(pQCPOP0100)
     D QCA_OCBL        S              9B 0 Inz(%Size(QCA_OCB))
     D QCA_OCBF        S              8A   Inz('CPOP0100')
     D QCA_CMDR        S            255A   Inz(*Blanks)
     D QCA_CMDRL       S              9B 0 Inz(%Size(QCA_CMDR))
     D QCA_CMDRL1      S              9B 0 Inz(%Size(QCA_CMDR))

     D PQCPOP0100      S               *   Inz(%Addr(QCPOP0100))
     D QCPOP0100       DS
     D   QCPO_TYPE                    9B 0 Inz
     D   QCPO_DBCS                    1A   Inz('0')
     D   QCPO_PRMT                    1A
     D   QCPO_STX                     1A   Inz('0')
     D   QCPO_MKEY                    4A   Inz(*Blanks)
     D   QCPO_RSV                     9A   Inz(x'000000000000000000')

     c                   Eval      QUsBPrv   = %Size(QUSEC)
     c                   Eval      QCA_CMD   = Aux_Cmd
     c                   Eval      QCPO_TYPE = Aux_Tip
     c                   Eval      QCPO_PRMT = Aux_Prompt

     c                   CallP     Proc_Cmds(QCA_CMD: QCA_CMDL:
     c                                       QCA_OCB: QCA_OCBL: QCA_OCBF:
     c                                       QCA_CMDR: QCA_CMDRL: QCA_CMDRL1:
     c                                       QUSEC)

     c                   Eval      Aux_Cmd = QCA_CMDR
     c                   Return    QUSEI

     P Call_API        E

      *-------------------------------------------------------------------*   EUR
      * Chk_Cmd       Check command                                       *   EUREUR
      *-------------------------------------------------------------------*   EUR
     P Chk_Cmd         B                   Export
     D Chk_Cmd         PI             7A
     D    Aux_Cmd                   255A
     D    Aux_Tip                     9B 0 Const Options(*NoPass)
     D    Aux_Prompt                   N   Const Options(*NoPass)
      * fields for the call                                                   EUREUR
     D Cmd             S            255A   Inz
     D Tip             S              9B 0 Inz(1)
     D Prompt          S               N   Inz(*ON)
     D Err             S              7A   Inz

     c                   If        %Parms > 1
     c                   Eval      Tip = Aux_Tip
     c                   EndIf
     c                   If        %Parms > 2
     c                   Eval      Prompt = Aux_Prompt
     c                   EndIf

     c                   Eval      Cmd  = Aux_Cmd
     c                   If        (Tip < 0) OR (Tip > 9)
     c                   Return    'CPF0008'
     c                   EndIf

     c                   Eval      Err = Call_API(Cmd: Tip: Prompt)

     c                   If        Err <> *Blanks
     c                   Return    Err
     c                   Else
     c                   Eval      Aux_Cmd  = Cmd
     c                   Return    *Blanks
     c                   EndIf

     P Chk_Cmd         E
      *-------------------------------------------------------------------*   EUR
      * Run_Cmd       Run the command                                     *   EUREUR
      *-------------------------------------------------------------------*   EUR
     P Run_Cmd         B                   Export
     D Run_Cmd         PI             7A
     D    Aux_Cmd                   255A
     D    Aux_Prompt                   N   Const Options(*NoPass)
      * fields for the call                                                   EUREUR
     D Cmd             S            255A   Inz
     D Prompt          S               N   Inz(*OFF)
     D Err             S              7A   Inz

     c                   If        %Parms > 1
     c                   Eval      Prompt = Aux_Prompt
     c                   EndIf

     c                   Eval      Cmd  = Aux_Cmd
     c                   Eval      Err = Call_API(Cmd: 2: Prompt)

     c                   If        Err <> *Blanks
     c                   Return    Err
     c                   Else
     c                   Eval      Aux_Cmd  = Cmd
     c                   Return    *Blanks
     c                   EndIf

     P Run_Cmd         E

用 法

4. Sample Usage pgm.
Copy the following to your Program, then define ErrCPFID CHAR(7) to receive ERROR Message ID using
ErrCPFID = Callp Chk_cmd (CMDStr) to check command, or 
ErrCPFID = Callp Run_cmd (CMDStr) to run command.

    D Chk_Cmd         PR             7A                              
    D    Aux_Cmd                   255A                              
    D    Aux_Tip                     9B 0 Const Options(*NoPass)     
    D    Aux_Prompt                   N   Const Options(*NoPass)     
    D Run_Cmd         PR             7A                              
    D    Aux_Cmd                   255A                              
    D    Aux_Prompt                   N   Const Options(*NoPass)     

5. Compiled your program with