星期三, 4月 27, 2011

Use Ops Navigator to determine if the system is advising new access paths

You can use Ops Navigator to determine if the system is advising new access paths, look for combinations of high costs and frequency. This little SQL can show those suggested since last IPL


SYS_TNAME as File,
decimal(timesadv,6) as Advised,
date(lastadv) as Last_Adv,time(lastadv) as Time_Adv,
decimal(querycost,6) as Cost,
decimal(queryest,6) as Avg_Cost,
decimal(mticreated,6) as MTI_Create,
date(lastmtiuse) as MTI_LastUsed,
substr(KEYSADV,1,40) as Keys_Advised,
substr(leadkeys,1,40) as Key_Order
FROM qsys2/sysixadv
where mticreated > 0
ORDER BY queryest DESC

iSeries Experience Report: Subsystem configuration

iSeries Experience Report: Subsystem configuration

IBM - Host Server Customization Requirements for TCP/IP Address and Subnet Mask

IBM - Host Server Customization Requirements for TCP/IP Address and Subnet Mask

Assigning Prestart Jobs to a Specific Pool

IBM i Support: Software Technical Document : 392581292
Document Title
Assigning Prestart Jobs to a Specific Pool

星期四, 4月 07, 2011

What's New in RPG for V6R1

May 2009

What’s New in RPG for V6R1

Barbara Morris, the lead developer for the WDS compilers in the IBM Toronto Lab